Re: Socrates Inspired More Than Plato
Mar 29, 2006 04:33 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline
I am glad to see our way of seeing things is broadly similar in these
From: Cass Silva <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Socrates Inspired More Than Plato
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 23:24:46 -0800 (PST)
Hi Carlos
I thought the phrase was "All I know is that I know nothing" which can be
understood on several levels. In terms of comparing myself to HPB this
phrase sits aptly with me. Socrates, IMO passed on knowledge untested or
unknowable to himself. HPB refers to Socrates as the old Sage, yet never
refers to Plato in this way. HPB specifically relates Socrates Daimon to
his "familiar spirit". It appears that we must meet our supreme soul (the
spirit) and that it does not meet us, but I have not studied this subject
and may look further into it.
As far as I know the thinking apparatus must be paralysed or overcome if we
are to go beyond the thinker's domain.
I was sure this was part of my posting, however, if not, HPB states
categorically"Neither Pythagoras, Plator, nor any of the later more
important Neo-platonists were ever mediums; for in such case they would not
have been admitted to the Mysteries at all. .....shows that apart from
natural "mediumship"** there has existed, from the beginning of time, a
mysterious science, discussed by many, but known only to a few.
* Between the two is placed natural "mediumship", a soul clothed with
imperfect matter, a ready agent for either the one or the other, and
utterly dependent on its surroundings of life, constitutional heredity -
physical as well as mental - and on the nature of the "spirits" it attracts
around itself. A blessing or a curse, as fate will have it, unless the
medium is purified of earthly dross.
This to me states that our bodies, physical, emotional and mental must be
fully under our control, and when this is the case, when our sol is clothed
in perfect matter, we become masters and not servants of those attracting
spirits. However, I could be totally incorrect in this assumption, but it
is how, I read it.
Please don't get me wrong, I adored the old Sage as HPB says and seeing
Plato agreed to become his pupil, he is no slouch and I am sure destined
for much greater things.
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