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Judaism, Heart Peace and Bart

Mar 24, 2006 10:32 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline


If you consult your Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, you will have a nice, varied vision of the meanings currently associated with the word "rabbi" in English language.

Other good dictionaries may give you an idea too.

Now, as to the inner energy of the Jewish religion, I can give you a sample below.

Take a look at this:




Dear Friends,

In its deeper aspects, Judaism has the same universal wisdom present in the best parts of other religions and philosophies.

For instance, members of a Jewish community followed a course of instruction laid out by their teacher, Moses Cordovero, in the Kabbalah tradition.

It consisted of 13 points, and I quote them verbatim (1) :

1) Forbearance in the face of insult.

2) Patience in enduring evil.

3) Pardon to the point of erasing the evil suffered.

4) Total identification with one’s neighbor.

5) Complete absence of anger, combined with apropriate action.

6) Mercy, to the point of recalling only the good qualities of one’s tormentor.

7) Eliminating all traces of vengefulness.

8) Forgetting suffering inflicted on oneself by others and remembering the good.

9) Compassion for the suffering without judging them.

10) Truthfulness.

11) Mercy beyond the letter of the Law with the good.

12) Assisting the wicked to improve without judging them.

13) Remembering all human beings always in the innocence of their infancy.

To these 13 points, reproduced word by word, I would only add a coçuple of sentences by H. P. Blavatsky, as a commentary to the item 10, “Truthfulness”.

She wrote:

“Our motto was from the first ‘THERE IS NO RELIGION HIGHER THAN TRUTH’. Truth we search for, and, once found, we bring it before the world, whencesoever it comes. (2)

Best regards, Carlos.


(1) “The Teachings of the Jewish Mystics”, Compiled and Edited by Perle Besserman, Shambhala Inc., Boston & London, 1998, 150 pp., see p. 46.

(2) “Collected Writings”, H. P. Blavatsky, TPH, Adyar/Wheaton, Volume IX, p. 7.

From: Bart Lidofsky <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Bart, Jewish Priests and Peace
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:20:46 -0500

carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:
> Of course I know what a rabbi is.
> Now, what about the ultra-ortodox Jewish people being the Jewish conterpart
> of
> Islamic radical sects?

I would say that your second paragraph IMPLIES that you don't know what
a rabbi is. Can you please tell me what you believe (or know) a rabbi to
be, so that we can be sure we're talking about the same thing?

Also, note that while Hasidic Jews are often referred to as
"ultra-orthodox", in a number of ways, they go against the Jewish
religion; their "rebbe's" (who are also rabbis) are more like Islamic
imans. However, they have a number of practices which go against the
mainstream of Jewish theology, some in direct defiance of Talmudic
teachings. They score very high on the Bonewits Cult Index.


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