Re: Theos-World Re: WHEN TRUTH IS A LIE
Mar 18, 2006 08:28 AM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Dear Cass,
Part of them have been constantly in print through the various
Theosophical publishers. They are also in vol. 10 of the Blavatsky
Collected Writings. More (some that were never published) will be
published next year by the United Lodge Theosophist.
Cass Silva wrote:
Haven't those esoteric papers since been published?
In H.P.B.'s magazine Lucifer, it was noted that the reports of the Transactions (covering the meetings of Jan. 10 through June 20, 1889) were transcribed in "twenty-four large longhand folios." Lucifer, October 15th, 1890, p. 165
Part I of the Transactions was published as a book in London in March 1890 and consisted of material discussed by H.P. Blavatsky at the following meetings:
Meeting 1. January 10, 1889 [Stanza I, sl. 1-2]
Meeting 2. January 17, 1889 [Stanza I, sl. 3-4]
Meeting 3. January 24, 1889 [Stanza I, sl. 5-8]
Meeting 4. January 31, 1889 [Stanza I, sl. 6-9; Stanza
II, sl. 1-2]
Appendix on Dreams
Part II of the Transactions was published in January 1891 and included material discussed by H.P.Blavatsky at the following meetings:
Meeting 5. February 7, 1889 [Stanza II, sl. 3-4]
Meeting 6. February 14, 1889 [Stanza III, sl. 1]
Meeting 7. February 21, 1889 [Stanza III, sl. 2-4]
Meeting 8. February 28, 1889 [Stanza III, sl. 5-8]
Meeting 9. March 7, 1889 [Stanza III, sl. 10-11]
Meeting 10. March 14, 1889 [Stanza IV, sl. 1-6]
The above material is available online in an easily accessible format at: Secret Doctrine Commentary / Stanzas I-IV: Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge
In February, 1891, Alice Leighton Cleather wrote:
"The second part of the 'Transactions -- Blavatsky Lodge,' is now out, and the third [part] will shortly follow." Theosophist, April 1891, p. 438. Italics added.
But H.P. Blavatsky died in May 1891 and Part III of the Transactions was never published.
It should be emphasized that the discussions in the published Parts I and II cover only the first four stanzas of Volume I of The Secret Doctrine.
Part III would, no doubt, have contained H.P.B.'s additional insightful and valuable comments on Stanza V and possibly even on Stanzas VI and VII.
What happened to the remaining unpublished Blavatsky material that was contained in the "twenty-four large longhand folios"?
This unpublished material would have contained the discussions held with H.P.B. at Blavatsky Lodge meetings from March 21 to June 20, 1889. A total of 14 meetings!
Several years ago I discovered the whereabouts of the missing "large longhand folios". Several of the folios are still missing but the majority survive. At one point I was allowed to peruse the extant folios and discovered that H.P. Blavatsky's discussions and comments on Stanzas V, VI and VII survive.
I have written to the person now in charge of this H.P.B. manuscript urging him to publish this remarkable literary treasure. It is my sincere hope that the current "keeper" of the folios will soon permit HPB's unpublished valuable comments on Stanzas V, VI and VII to be published for the benefit of all Blavatsky and Theosophical students throughout the world.
Since the above was written in the summer of 2002, the material in one of the unpublished folio notebooks (i.e. for the meeting of April 25, 1889) has now been published as a supplement to the September 17, 2002 issue of The Aquarian Theosophist.
Since 2002, I have also been given photocopies of a few of these unpublished folios to read and study.
In the latter part of 2005, I have been informed that all (or at least most of) these unpublished Transactions will probably be published as a book in 2006.
Blavatsky Study Center
"...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at their right value; and unless a judge compares notes and hears
both sides he can hardly come to a correct decision." H.P. Blavatsky. The Theosophist, July, 1881, p. 218.
Bart Lidofsky <> wrote: krsanna wrote:
It is unfortunate for modern students that HPB did not reveal
informatmion given to her Esoteric Section, on whom she relied to
guide the TS, to Theosophists at large. Bowen was a member of the
Esoteric Section and was with HPB during the last weeks of her life.
Then why is his name absent from the membership list?
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