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Mar 16, 2006 07:26 AM
by plcoles1
Thanks Jerry, Krsanna and Carlos, Thanks for your comments. I am at the moment working my way through The Theosophical Movement 34-part series on the Wisdom World website http://www.wisdomworld.org/ This is giving me lots of background for the `Judge case' and all that went on between Besant, Olcott and Judge. Here's a portion of the account given in the book `Hammer on the mountain' "During the next day (Jan.5th)he sent out fervent mental calls to the Great Ones beyond the Himalayas – and they responded. At 8.30 p.m. that day (according to the diary) Mahatma Morya and Mahatma K.H appeared astrally in Henry's bedroom. Marie Russak and Miss Renda were both in the room at the time. They saw the two Masters quite clearly and heard their conversation with the Colonel. Immediately after the two Mahatmas had vanished, Marie Russak wrote down an account of the meeting in the form of questions by the Colonel and answers given by the Master. This account is still in the Adyar archives" Apparently on January 11th the Masters made another astral visit and guess who was present, Marie Russak and Miss Renda…hmmm. Krsanna my experience with channels is very limited but I have heard a few and the main difference I've found between the HPB material and the other claimants to being in touch with Mahatma's is as far as I have been able to decern depth and profoundity of information. HPB material is profound and consistant most of the stuff I've heard or read from channels is generally seems pretty trite. Thanks for your stories there classics 'Archangel Michael' PLEASE give me strenth !!! That's almost as crass as 'Our Lady Mary' LOL The snake infested lady should have gone to a pest controller ….sorry it really does get too much, you need to laugh. Cheers Perry --- In theos-talk@yahoogroups.com, "krsanna" <timestar@...> wrote: > > I haven't seen the book. One big question comes to mind: How did > the Mahatma make the statement? After HPB died, Sinnett and > Leadbeater began using mediumistic channels. Perry, I don't know > what your experience with trance channels and mediums is, but I > would love to share some of my favorite stories about the things > that channels say. > > I once witnessed a battle between two St. Germaine channels > simultaneously channeling contradictory messages from the > same "master." As channel #1 began speaking on behalf of St. > Germaine, channel #2 fell into a trance and began speaking as St. > Germaine. Channel #2 never apologized, as I recall, because she > believed St. Germaine # 2 was right in correcting St. Germaine #1. > > I recently received a late-night call about a woman who believed her > body was infested with snakes from a dying planet. Where did she > get that idea? Archangel Michael told her. It took an appreciable > time to make the point that Archangel Michael had been speaking > through the body of a channel named Mary. After repeatedly asking > her to describe whose mouth was moving when the words were said, she > got the idea. Then she argued because she thought Mary was an > honest and good woman. She only charged $50, and she didn't really > need the money. > > By the way, Archangel Michael had told her that if she could stand > the snake infestation for another 6 months, it would mysteriously > stop. That was the best the channel could do to help the woman. > > Get the idea? > > Best regards, > Krsanna > > > > > > > --- In theos-talk@yahoogroups.com, "plcoles1" <plcoles1@> wrote: > > > > Dear Krsanna, Bruce and Carlos & All, > > > > First of all thanks for sharing all the information you have here > at theos talk. > > Personally I have found the information very significant and > helpful in trying to find out > > more information on the history of the modern theosophical > movement. > > The information on Olcott has added a whole other dimension to the > picture. > > Recently I obtained a taped lecture by Peter Michel called `Life > and teachings of an Initiate: > > Charles W Leadbeater from TSA Wheaton. > > > > One piece of evidence that he gives for the Mahatma's supporting > CWL is an account given > > in Howard Murphet's biography on Col. Olcott called `Hammer on the > mountain'. > > Chapter 24 which describes an astral visitation by M and KH, > present was Col.Olcott, Marie > > Russak and Miss Render. > > > > The masters allededly give support for Mrs Besant saying to be the > successor to Col.Olcott > > saying "we shall overshadow her"as well as giving support to CWL. > > To quote from page 307. > > > > "HSO.: He has (CWL) been wronged?' > > Master M.: `Yes but only in so far as the matter was made > generally public'" > > > > The whole chapter is interesting reading, have you any further > information on this incident > > and / or on Marie Russak. > > > > Mr Michel also makes the interesting claim that Leadbeater was > contemplating marriage > > with a lady, this is given as evidence of his sexual orientation > being straight. > > > > I don't know if Gregory knows anything of this claim? > > > > Cheers > > > > Perry > > >