Mar 12, 2006 09:43 AM
by krsanna
I've used your web site copiously to compile a chart of theosophical
organization from 1874 to 1934. This chart is still in skeletal
form, a work in progress that needs much finishing. Nonethless, the
chart serves to clarify several confusing issues about the history
of the Theosophical Society in America. A link to the chart is
The Theosophical Society in America was founded in 1895 by W. Q.
Judge when 191 American Lodges seceded from Adyar. Wheaton changed
its name to the TSA in 1934, after the organization that is now
based in Pasadena ceased using it as one of Kathryn Tingley's last
wishes. Some employees of the TSA at Wheaton have no idea that
their employer has not existed with its current name since 1875, and
have been known to argue that it has.
When Rudy Don said that his was the official web site of the TSA, he
was not entirely wrong. The Lodge to which he presently belongs was
chartered as The Theosophical Society in America by Judge. His
might be considered an official web of the Theosophical Society In
America, as founded by Judge in 1895, for instance. Admittedly,
this is splitting hairs, but it points back to the true founding of
the TSA.
A timeline of who done what and when might contribute greatly to
clearing the air among theosophical organizations, as I suggested.
To be effecive, it would have to be a joint effort of individuals
from various organizations and "independents." I will contribute a
web site to share information among individuals doing this work, so
that it would be equally shared. The web site would not be publicly
accessible, and would be restricted to researchers, until ready for
public viewing.
Information provided this morning that it was Besant, not Olcott,
who accused HPB of being a medium and a fraud is one small example
of the value of clarifying the actual events of Theosophical history.
Best regards,
Krsanna Duran
--- In, Compiler <compiler@...> wrote:
> The below message has been posted here before,
> but based on this comment and question to everyone
> by Dr. Gregory Tillett concerning theosophical history:
> =====================================
> Where is the fully documented, unexpurgated,
> reasonably argued and properly documented work
> presenting the Theosophical view of, for example,
> the life of Blavatsky or the history of Theosophy?
> And, if there is no such work, how is the deficit
> to be explained? Intellectual incompetence?
> Lack of anyone with the ability to do scholarly
> research? Fundamental incapacity for honesty?
> Simple laziness? The material is all there (albeit
> much of it locked away from any objective scholarly
> access, which raises other significant questions).
> =====================================
> ...I thought it would be worthwhile to post it again
> in order for it to be evaluated by him and anyone
> else who wants to speak about where it stands
> as a "properly documented work presenting the
> Theosophical view of ... the history of Theosophy".
> OK, what follows is the message that I have
> posted here before (and as say below, I will
> not be responding to anyone, but only reading
> whatever is said about it):
> ==================================
> I hope that many readers, especially
> newcomers to theosophy, will find these
> three series of articles from THEOSOPHY
> magazine to be very informative and useful:
> (1) The Theosophical Movement (34-part series: 1920-22)
> (2) The Rising Cycle (13-part series: 1926-27)
> (3) Aftermath (10-part series: 1935)
> They are found in this link that goes to the
> 14th of 18 sections found on the "Additional"
> articles index page of my web site:
> =======================================
> Dear newcomers to Theosophy:
> I sincerely do hope that my web site offers
> a well-rounded overall view of Theosophy and
> the Theosophical Movement. The 3 main links
> to everything on it are found below.
> Please know that I'm only the compiler of
> all the articles found on my web site; I'm
> not a scholar; and also that I personally
> do not like to take part in conversations,
> even though I do hope that what I present
> from time to time will help a little in
> the discussions being carried on by others.
> So please do not be insulted when I do not
> respond if someone addresses me, or addresses
> anything that is found in any of the articles
> on my web site; I leave that for others to
> deal with if they want to -- whether pro, con,
> neutral, friendly or unfriendly.
> John DeSantis
> (Compiler)
> -------
> You may find a great deal of the Truth that you
> are searching for here:
> web site (Main Page):
> This is the Index page of the "Introductory",
> "Setting the Stage" book, which was especially
> compiled for newcomers to Theosophy:
> The page where "Additional" articles are slowly
> being added (which contains 18 sections that
> can each be clicked on at the top of the page
> in order to go directly down to them, as well
> as to get the link to any particular section
> that you may want to use in a posting on a
> discussion board, or in an e-mail to someone):
> This next link is to the most updated version of my
> economic proposal to humanity, a practical project
> to help our suffering world that I also consider
> to be Theosophical. In it you will find a new and
> unique, but mostly unknown, economic system
> model that might be able to put an end to involuntary
> poverty on earth. How? It presents a way to fully
> finance everything of importance that is needed
> in every nation. Because of this it's well worth
> pointing to. Please note that, for strategic
> reasons, of wanting it to have the best chance
> of being accepted by all peoples worldwide,
> no matter what their religious, philosophical,
> and scientific beliefs are, I've put it on a
> completely different web site; it contains
> no mention of, or link to, the Theosophy and
> the Theosophical Movement that is presented
> on my web site:
> -------
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