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Olcott denying HPB?

Mar 12, 2006 00:48 AM
by Vladimir

Saturday, March 11, 2006, 10:20:39 PM, robert_b_macd wrote:

> As far as the Movement is concerned, something divided it and we must
> understand what that something is.  If I were to point to one thing it
> would be what Judge describes in the June 1895 issue of "The Path".
> Judge writes:

> "In the April Theosophist Col. Olcott makes public what we have long
> known to be his private opinion?a private opinion hinted at through
> the pages of Old Diary Leaves,?that H.P.B. was a fraud, a medium, and
> a forger of bogus messages from the Masters.  This final ingrate's
> blow is delivered in a Postscript to the magazine for which the
> presses were stopped.  The hurry was so great that he could not wait
> another month before hurling the last handful of mud at his spiritual
> and material benefactor, our departed H.P.B.  The next prominent
> person for whom we wait to make a similar public statement, has long
> made it privately."

To  me  this  looks  like gossip. I read "Old Diary Leaves" and didn't
notice  any  such hints there. Can anyone exactly quote Olcott denying
HPB  as  a  fraud  or  a medium? To the best of my knowledge, even our
friend Anand didn't produce such a thing.

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