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Re: CONTINUED. ...Let us look at the historic effort of Col. Olcott

Mar 11, 2006 08:22 AM
by krsanna

Dallas -- This is a stellar idea. There's a vital place for 
scholarship in any movement that survives childhood.     

Best regards, 

--- In, "W.Dallas TenBroeck" 
<dalval14@...> wrote:
> March 11, 2006
> As far as I can see there is no "feud" between U  L  T  
and "Adyar."
> There is merely a confrontation of documentary evidence with 
nonsense and
> moonshine.  Anyone can perceive this when accurate historical 
documents are
> compared. 
> There is no attempt to 'personalize' anything, or 'attack' the 
reputation of
> anyone.  We all live or perish (morally) according to what we do 
and say --
> and to clear the air thoroughly, we need only invite all who wish 
to do so,
> to inquire specifically into the recorded history of the 
> This ought to be done through the documents, and those by now are 
open and
> available to all who desire to spend time finding out what 
actually happened
> and who said what.
> However none of us can alter the past.  So rather than spend time 
seeking to
> justify choices we made, in my opinion it is better to drop those 
into the
> duct-gathering files of experience and proceed to advance .
> Let all gather together and study THEOSOPHY together.  Thus we may 
> credal and sectarian interpretations that have interposed 
themselves between
> our present study and their words of the TEACHERS.  
> Let us say:  
> 1)         what did the Masters or HPB write and say?  What 
subjects?  What
> does THEOSOPHY as a doctrine and history actually cover ?
> 2)         How do I understand these?
> 3)         How do my fellow students and friends now understand 
> 4)         Are there differences?   Can those be determined, 
isolated and
> resolved?
> Let us look at the historic effort of Col. Olcott who endeavored to
> reconcile the various schools of Buddhism on such facts and 
fundamentals as
> all could accept.  
> But we find there is a precedent available to which a 'model,' or 
an effort
> for the present bodies that use the word THEOSOPHY can emulate.
> Since it is difficult to achieve a complete consensus 
from "bodies" of
> students, is it not easier to secure the attention and response of
> individual students in manners that do not impair their current 
> and past positions, official or unofficial? 
> Basically, [it seems to me] we are all students of various 
degrees, and our
> respect (if any) for THEOSOPHY,  and our own freedom and 
> provide us with our individual "positions."
> A non-denominational situation exists, and can be used or not, as 
> pleases.  But, please, one does not "feud" with facts or truths - 
or do we ?
> Best wishes,  
> Dallas
> -----------------------------
> PS:  
>             I write this [on a basis that I understand to be 
> because there appears to be some continuing misunderstandings 
about the
> non-denominational:  U  L  T.
> It [UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS ] is NOT an "organization;" nor 
does it
> have "members."  It is formed of independent "associates," from 
whom no
> questions are asked, and from whom no duties (other than those 
they select
> for themselves) are required.
> It exists, to provide on the matter of THEOSOPHY, a firm and 
clear "consider
> the ORIGINALS" --  so all can check those original documents 
> and independently, without the burden of any other's opinions or 
> Personally, I see little value in tying up what little energy we 
all have in
> trying to repair the past actions and the supposed opinions of 
> bodies of students - lets get on with the future.
>   Let us, all together, elevate the flag of   THEOSOPHY.  [The 
most ancient
> Here are solid valuable points of direction in my opinion.
>             Extracts from the GREAT MASTER'S LETTER:
>    "he doctrine we promulgate being the only true one, must--
supported by
> such evidence as we are preparing to give--become ultimately 
> like every other truth. Yet it is absolutely necessary to 
inculcate it
> gradually; enforcing its theories (unimpeachable facts for those 
who know)
> with direct inference, deduced from and corroborated by the 
> furnished by modern exact science. 
> "That is why Col. H. S. Olcott, who works to revive Buddhism, may 
> regarded as one who labours in the true path of Theosophy, far 
more than any
> man who chooses as his goal the gratification of his own ardent 
> for occult knowledge. Buddhism, stripped of its superstition, is 
> truth; and he who strives for the latter is striving for eternal 
truth; and
> he who strives for the latter is striving for Theo-Sophia, divine 
> which is a synonym of truth. 
> "For our doctrines to practically react on the so-called moral 
code, or the
> ideas of truthfulness, purity, self-denial, charity, etc., we have 
to preach
> and popularize a knowledge of Theosophy.
> "It is time that Theosophy should enter the arena. The sons of 
> are more likely to become in their turn Theosophists than anything 
else. No
> messenger of the truth, no prophet, has ever achieved during his 
life-time a
> complete triumph--not even Buddha. 
> "The Theosophical Society was chosen as the cornerstone, the 
foundation of
> the future religions of humanity. To achieve the proposed object, 
a greater,
> wiser, and especially a more benevolent intermingling of the high 
and the
> low, the alpha and the omega of society, was determined upon. The 
white race
> must be the first to stretch out the hand of fellowship to the 
dark nations,
> to call the poor despised "nigger" brother. This prospect may not 
smile for
> all, but he is no Theosophist who objects to this principle.
> "For everyone knows that total emancipation from the authority of 
the one
> all-pervading power, or law--called God by the priests, and 
Buddha, Divine
> Wisdom and enlightenment or Theosophy, by the philosophers of all
> ages--means also the emancipation from that of human law. Once 
> and delivered from their deadweight of dogmatism, interpretations, 
> names, anthropomorphic conceptions, and salaried priests, the 
> doctrines of all religions will be proved identical in their 
> meaning. Osiris, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, will be shown as 
different means
> for one and the same royal highway to final bliss--Nirvana.
> "Mystical Christianity teaches Self-redemption through one's own 
> principle, the liberated Paramatma, called by the one Christ, by 
> Buddha; this is equivalent to regeneration, or rebirth in spirit, 
and it
> therefore expounds just the same truth as the Nirvana of Buddhism. 
> "It is.but the self-sacrificing pursuit of the best mean to lead 
on the
> right path our neighbour, to cause to benefit by it as many of our
> fellow-creatures as we possibly can, which constitutes the true
> Theosophist..
> ".how is the combative natural instinct of man to be restrained 
> inflicting hitherto unheard-of cruelty and enormous tyranny, 
> etc., if not through the soothing influence of brotherhood, and of 
> practical application of Buddha's esoteric doctrines?.
> "All of us must get rid of our own Ego, the illusory, apparent 
self, to
> recognize our True Self, in a transcendent divine life.
> But if we would not be selfish, we must strive to make other 
people see the
> truth, and recognize the reality of the transcendental Self, the 
Buddha, the
> Christ, or god of every preacher.  
> This is why even esoteric Buddhism is the surest path to lead men 
> the one esoteric truth  . no religion, with the exception of 
Buddhism, has
> taught a practical contempt for this earthly life; while each of 
> [has].inculcated the greatest dread of death.
> "Teach the people to see that life on this earth, even the 
happiest, is but
> a burden and an illusion;  that it is our own Karma [the cause 
producing the
> effect] that is our judge -- our Saviour in future lives -- and 
the great
> struggle for life will lose its intensity..
> "If the Theosophists say we have nothing to do with all this; the 
> classes and the inferior races (those of India, for instance, in 
> conception of the British) cannot concern us, and must manage as 
they can,
> what becomes of our fine professions of benevolence, philanthropy, 
> etc.? Are those professions a mockery? And if a mockery, can ours 
be the
> true path? Shall we devote ourselves to teaching a few Europeans--
fed on the
> fat of the land, many of them loaded with the gifts of blind 
> rationale of bell-ringing, of cup-growing, of the spiritual 
telephone, and
> astral body formation, and leave the teeming millions of the 
ignorant, of
> the poor and oppressed, to take care of themselves, and of their 
> as best they can? 
> "Never! perish rather the Theosophical Society with both its 
> Founders, than that we should permit it to become no better than 
an academy
> of magic, and a hall of occultism! That we, the devoted followers 
of that
> spirit incarnate of absolute self-sacrifice, of philanthropy, 
> kindness, as of all the highest virtues attainable on this earth 
of sorrow,
> the man of men, Gautama Buddha, should ever allow the Theosophical 
> to represent the embodiment of selfishness, the refuge of the few 
with no
> thought in them for the many, is a strange idea, my brothers!  
> "Let us understand each other. He who does not feel competent to 
grasp the
> noble idea sufficiently to work for it, need not undertake a task 
too heavy
> for him. But there is hardly a Theosophist in the whole Society 
unable to
> effectually help it by correcting erroneous impressions of 
outsiders, by
> himself actually propagating this idea. Oh! for noble and 
unselfish men to
> help us effectually in that divine task! All our knowledge, past 
> present, would not be sufficient to repay him.
> "Having explained our views and aspirations, I have but a few 
words more to
> add. The true religion and philosophy offer the solution of every 
> That the world is in such a bad condition, morally, is a 
conclusive evidence
> that none of its religions and philosophies, those of the 
civilized races
> less than any other, has ever possessed the truth. 
> The right and logical explanations on the subject of the problems 
of the
> great dual principles, right and wrong, good and evil, liberty and
> despotism, pain and pleasure, egotism and altruism, are as 
impossible to
> them now as they were 1880 years ago. 
> "They are as far from the solution as they were; but to these 
problems there
> must be somewhere a consistent solution, and if our doctrines will 
> their competence to offer it, then the world will be the first to 
> that there must be the true philosophy, the true religion, the 
true light,
> which gives truth and nothing but the truth."
>   [Lucifer, August, 1896]
> \==================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kpauljohnson
> Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 
> Subject: Transformation of the legacy
> Hi Vladimir,
> If there is a consensus that I have a place here, then I will 
> But am concerned by Erica's recent post and by the realization 
> the feud between ULT and Adyar has been consuming all the air in 
> this room for a long time.  Both sides have taken whacks at me, 
> what is happening is really mostly between these two organizations 
> and their members.  ..
>                         snip
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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