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Caldwell , Algeo & Dugpas

Mar 05, 2006 06:53 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline


An Adept-Teacher Explains:

Libels Against HPB Were Made By Dugpas in Vatican and Bhutan.




Dear Friends,

Daniel Caldwell published libels and lies about H. P. Blavatsky, which were made by people who forged letters and ascribed them to her. Daniel has called these false documents "testimonies".

John Algeo has published some 27 false letters ascribed to Blavatsky, 26 of which are directly and disgustingly offensive to her.

But -- what is the real origin of these forged letters?

In fact, they were prepared with the "enthusiastic help" of Dugpas, or black magicians, in
Bhutan and in the Vatican. This is the kind of thing John Algeo and his protégé Daniel Caldwell have been making publicity about, for a number of years, in various instances of the theosophical movement.(1)

An Adept-Teacher has revealed the real authorship of the forgeries in a letter to Alfred P. Sinnett.

The Master says:

""Ecclesiatical England and official Anglo India have secretly joined hands to have their worst suspicions 'verified' and at the first plausible pretext to crush the movement. Every infamous device is to be employed in the future as it has in the present to discredit 'us' as its promoters, and yourselves as its supporters. For the opposition represents enormous vested interests, and they have enthusiastic help from the Dugpas -- in Bhootan and the Vatican! (...) They may try to shake
still more than they already have your confidence with pretended letters alleged to have come from H.P.B.'s laboratory, and others, or with forged documents showing and confessing fraud and planning to repeat it."" (2)

In the same paragraph, the Master provides a broader perspective about the action of all those enemies who first infiltrate in the theosophical movement, then get to influential positions in it, and finally attack HPB's and Masters' work from within the theosophical ranks, often in a disguised way.

The Master writes:

""It has been always thus. Those who have watched mankind through the centuries of this cycle, have constantly seen the details of this death-struggle between Truth and Error repeating themselves. Some of you Theosophists are now only wounded in your 'honour' or your purses, but those who held the lampin preceding generations paid the penalty of their lives for their
knowledge. Courage the, you all who would be warriors of the divine Verity; keep on boldly and confidently (...)""

If Daniel Calwell and John Algeo are sincere people and they published those disgusting dugpa attacks against HPB and the Masters in a innocent way, then they have now a superb opportunity to come to the public and admit that they made a serious mistake, and that it was NOT their intention to consciously spread the dugpas' magnetism and libels inside the theosophical movement.

They may also add that they are NOT doing these disguised Vatican-originated attacks to HPB and the Masters in order to prevent honest theosophists around the world to get rid of Leadbeater's and Besant's fancies -- and take some healthy steps ahead in the 21st century.

I am confident that Calwell and Algeo can admit their gross and disgusting mistakes if they want to.

Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline

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(1) In 1999, Mr. Pedro Oliveira, ex-international secretary of the Adyar Society, was circulating these libels among long-standing members of the Teosophical Society, Adyar, in Brazil, without investigating the origin of such documents. His source was Mr. John Algeo. So the campaign against HPB within Adyar Society did NOT start with Caldwell's and Algeo's books about her.

(2) "The Mahatma Leters to A. P. Sinnett", Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, CA, 1992,
see page 322, Letter LV. In the 'Chronological Edition', it is Letter 130.

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