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Re: Theos-World Krishnamurtian Dogma?

Mar 03, 2006 07:35 AM
by Steven Levey

      At one time, when living in Santa Barbara and involved with the Santa Barbara ULT, we were good friends with the director of the International Krishnamurti schools in Ojai Ca. We had many discussions and these generally ended up in impass, where we agreed to disagree upon such subjects as the Mahatmas, HPB, the TS, and ULT. However, we always agreed upon his (Krishnamurti's) motive. And that was to teach, whom ever came in contact with his thought, that each individual must become a trusted authority of their own walk upon the Path. I've personnally always felt this way as well.
      However, it is fairly apparent that over time his demeanor and method attracted students who would interpret his motive to mean; that all other teachers, traditions and texts were only opinion, not to be used as authority in their own right (The Secret Doctrine, Vedas, etc. included), or as resources with which to base ones own thought and search. My feeling is, that he did not really intend this to be so, although I never heard that he taught to disuade anyone of these interpretations of his thought. Its as if, in the interest of free thought, he allowed others to take his disertations the way they would, without corrections from him. Or, the possibility exists, that he was inwardly confused over the implications of his life and the teachings of others.
      I know that he taught methods of study, attention and meditation. So he did offer assistance or direction on mechanical methods of being a student, as well as ethics, which I personally heard.
      Finally, upon his passing, most agreed that he was a force indeed on the scene. But I always felt that he had been adversly effected by his early involvement with the Movement, and that this motivated his later method. I feel, to see his outpouring without the context of his early days, may lead to easily misunderstanding him, especially his abhorance for movements and groups, although he was a "movement", which contained groups, and that is an obvious dichotomy surrounding his work. So, he is not easily understood and should, perhaps, be taken with a grain of salt.

carlosaveline cardoso aveline <> wrote:


Yet he created his own Krishhamurtian dogma.
Krishnamurtians usually don't read authors other than him.
They are usually not open to debate -- at least some of them.
Not all, of course.

Best -- carlos.

>From: Cass Silva 
>Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Esoteric School
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:42:17 -0800 (PST)
>It appears that Krishnamurti denied the necessity for a dogmatised "school 
>of thought" around his system.
>carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:
>I guess Gregory has given a thorough answer to the question.
>Comparatively, in the Adyar Society the Esoteric School continued, yet the
>fancies about outer contacts with the Masters were quietly dropped rom 
>except for Geoffrey Hodson in Australia, a rather national phenomenon, or
>least a phenomenon with poor international dimension.
>J. Krishnamurti, very influential with regard to Radha Burnier, wanted the
>E. S. Adyar to
>be closed (there is at least one public source for that, Mary Lutyens). 
>he did
>not have that.
>Best regards, Carlos.
> >From: D P
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Theos-World Pasadena Esoteric School
> >Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 21:43:57 +0100 (CET)
> >
> >Hi! I am researching a little about Esoterics Schools inside of the
> >Theosophical Movement then this is a question for Carlos Aveline or 
> >member of the list. C. Aveline wrote –if I remind well- that Esoteric
> >School of Pasadena has ceased its work, do you know why, or publics
> >statements about it?
> > Thanks
> >
> > Damián
> >
> >
> >
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