Narada TS Lessons
Feb 06, 2006 05:19 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline
Dear MKR,
You are absolutely right.
At the same time, for Theosophy to be a living
power in our lives it must be connected with our daily lives, including our
social mechanisms of mutual help.
The theosophical movement is a wide field in which we can test our
theoretical philosophy of life. If we fail to create healthy mechanisms
mutual help and can't even manage real-estate property without wild
power struggle, as imay be the case with Adyar, than this is not necessarily
a reason to stop interacting in daily life and keep all contacts to
It could also be seen as a reason to learn the lessons from the failures and
to try again -- and keep trying.
In our personal families we also have to learn to cooperate in daily life,
including house management and money management. Why should we not,
as fellow students, TRY to build healthy mutual help mechanisms which
physical meetings, a place for them, editting books etc.??
The Internet may be a wider horizon for perceiving all of this.
Every challenge is a source of inner learning. There are lessons to be
from the Narada TS episode, for instance. Among them, the importance of
of resistance, and of solidarity.
I am sure the solidarity the Narada TS students are receiving is making
a difference. And the Adyar power-mechanisms are getting clearer
and clearer, which is good for us -- and also for every sincere student in
Adyar itself (they exist).
Regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
From: M K Ramadoss <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Persecution of the Narada Lodge
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 06:41:41 -0600
As I had already once mentioned, issues like this has all to do with money
and property of the entity and nothing to do with theosophy at all. For
newcomers to theosophy, they will wonder at the chasm between such actions
and what theosophy really means and it can discourage many newcomers.
Instances like this is one of the reasons why I feel that the time of fixed
physical theosophical centers is no longer an effective model for the
future and internet based model will be most appropriate. Once money runs
out, the physical organizations based theosophical entities will be
Even great civilizations have disappeared when they time is up and why
should theosophical organizations based on physical centers and property
should be exempt from such a natural extinction.
On 2/5/06, Frank Reitemeyer <> wrote:
> Dallas writes:
> The Narada issue in Tacoma Washington being just one of the reflections
> this corporate method of the T.S. in America. It immediately polarizes
> the way that the obortion issue does when made a political pawn.
> Any news about our Rebels against the darth Empire?
> Hope, Narada Lodge wins its struggle for life.
> Frank
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