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Re: Leadbeater's 1000 years after.. reincarnation

Dec 31, 2005 04:51 AM
by Alaya

yes perry, this is a confusing subjetc
but it's very difficult to understant this statment when we think that
HPB knew she was Cagliostro in her previous incarnation (in 18
centrury)... and what would we say about those children who return in
few years and have clear memories of their previous life?
I myself know that between this life and my last one I spent only 47
years 'dead'... and I also know where i was in the 16 century... so
how can this 15 centuries theory be true when personal experiences
prove the contrary?
I was thinking maybe this 'long space of time' is a psychological
time.. relative time, and doesn't correspond to time on Earth..
about other planets.. Masters really say in their letters about life
on other planets, but as i understand, only mahatmas can switch like
that, since they (and the secret doctrine) also made clear that our
'humanity' is on ITS cicle, and other planets have other cicles, so
we, ordinary human being, could not possibly change..
thanks for your answer


--- In, "plcoles1" <plcoles1@y...> wrote:
> Hello Alaya,
> Just as a point of clarification HPB and her teachers also suggested
a similar period of 
> time.
> Key to theosophy page 145 in the chapter 'on the kamaloka and devachan':
> "ENQUIRER. What of the latter? How long does the incarnating Ego
remain in the 
> Devachanic state?
> THEOSOPHIST. This, we are taught, depends on the degree of
spirituality and the merit or 
> demerit of the last incarnation. The average time is from ten to
fifteen centuries, as I 
> already told you."
> Just as a personal opinion I think that the question of
reincarnation and metempsychosis is 
> an interesting one.
> I would suggest that in many areas of the teachings our
understandings are quite clunky 
> and partial.
> In the devachan letter the mahatma suggests that 'we' reincarnate on
other `planets'. 
> Where my own mind and imagination have gone on this is, what is a
`planet' a state of 
> consciousness perhaps?
> Is the physical planet simply a representation of a particular state
of being?
> Perhaps we are a little Earthocentric in that we think this
manifestation of 'earth' we find 
> ourselves in is the only one.
> Maybe this `Earth' has many different manifestations in this
multiverse and maybe we 
> don't necessarily return to the same planet in the same way that we
cant step into the 
> same river twice.
> Another musing is maybe `Atlantis' and `Lemuria' can be seen in a
similar way.
> As I say these are only musings but who knows maybe multi'
dimensions play a role in this 
> process of reincarnation?
> Regards
> Perry 
> --- In, "Alaya" <lalaya7@y...> wrote:
> >
> > what do you think about these absurd statements made by leadbeater
> > that people reincarnate only after a long space of time, like 700,
> > 1000 years... and that a 'elevated being' would take 1200 years to
> > he also said that 800 years after his death he would reincarnate in
> > California.
> > 
> > What do you think about this teaching of his?
> > I thing it is harmful to theosophy and can make people have erroneous
> > notions about reincarnation.
> > All those who have had past lifes experiencies know that the average
> > is one incarnation for century
> > we also know that many masters did return in other bodies in the next
> > centuries...
> > sow how could leadbeater say something so foolish as 'people are
> > reborn every 800 years'?
> > how could someone who said Besant was the PET of Master M. in
> > Atlantis... who fake others lives and invented the 'real' story for
> > life in Mars and then says this stupidity be taken seriously??
> >

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