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Re: Anand wrote: "I don't recommend writing of Blavatsky for various reasons...."

Dec 22, 2005 07:38 AM
by arhat_buddhism

I refuse Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater writings.

--- In, "danielhcaldwell" 
<danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:
> Anand,
> In one of your emails, you wrote:
> "...I don't recommend writing of Blavatsky for 
> various reasons...."
> Can you please state what those various
> reasons are?
> Furthermore, even though you don't recommend
> Blavatsky's writings, the Master K.H. does.
> Since you apparently believe in the Master K.H.
> and you even quote from some of his letters 
> approvingly why do you ignore this recommendation
> by K.H.:
> "I have also noted, your thoughts about the 'Secret Doctrine.' Be 
> assured that what she [HPB] has not annotated from scientific and 
> other works, we have given or suggested to her. Every mistake or 
> erroneous notion, corrected and explained by her from the works of 
> other theosophists was corrected by me, or under my instruction. It 
> is a more valuable work than its predecessor, an epitome of occult 
> truths that will make it a source of information and instruction 
> the earnest student for long years to come. . . ." Letters from the 
> Masters of the Wisdom, Series I, p. 47
> Anand, if you revere the Masters as you once wrote to me,
> why do you not recommend THE SECRET DOCTRINE especially
> since according to KH he worked closely with HPB on
> THE SECRET DOCTRINE and even corrected and explained teachings
> misunderstood by some Theosophists in this work??
> Daniel

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