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Re: Theos-World Updated Web Edition: Various Theosophical Traditions -- WRONG, DANIEL Part II

Dec 11, 2005 03:49 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Daniel, to specify my statement made in my 
email before, that I find the Point 
Loma-Tradition is sometimes misleading 
presented on your all-in-all good homepage, I 
give one example:

You write:

=>(4) G. de Purucker, Tingley's successor, 
testified that the Masters M. & K.H. came to 
visit him in 1929 at Theosophical Society 
headquarters, Point Loma, San Diego, 
California. Purucker claimed that he was 
allowed to give out deeper esoteric teachings 
than HPB, Judge or Tingley had. 

I do not think that GdeP said this. While it 
is true that HPB refered to Tingley in at 
least one letter to Judge and Tingley built 
the Mystery school both HPB and Judge were 
dreaming of, but were hindered to realize it 
in their incarnation, and it is also true 
that HPB refered in her Secret Doctrine to 
her inner successor who will be more advanced 
than herself, GdeP said that Tingley has had 
the same high esoteric knowledge than he, but 
had to suffer from it, because no rupas where 
ready for conduct during her incarnation 
(you'll find that statement somewhere in his 

With the advent of the outer messenger of 
1975 we had the same tragedy. The masses of 
Theosophists were not ready to recognize him, 
although he came in!



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