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An epiphany of understanding and a Cartoon Epistemology of how we see and believe.

Dec 04, 2005 10:34 PM
by leonmaurer

Thought you might find an interest in these interpretations of how we see 
(i.e., how our visual system works -- up to a point :-). 

Incidentally my ABC model takes it a bit further, since it also describes how 
the inner mental image is assembled through the brain's neural network onto 
the brain's electrical field as an interference patterned hologram, transformed 
inductively to a series of analogous higher order electromagnetic fields 
(mind, memory, etc.), and detected/experienced at our single (zero) point of 
individual visual awareness located behind our eyes at the center of our head. 

Reductive or materialist scientists, of course, still cannot accept the idea 
that consciousness or "Spirit" is separate from matter and outside of all 
metric (or non metric) time and space. However, in order to picture this entire 
process geometrically, that might convince them, I would need an advanced 3-D 
computer animation system (Hardware, software and CGI artist/programmer) -- 
which, unfortunately, I haven't yet found adequate financing or collaborators, 
patrons, volunteers, etc., to obtain. :-[ 


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