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Re: Theos-World Why is it Reasonable to be Rational?

Oct 22, 2005 05:24 AM
by Mark Hamilton Jr.

"Reason has been elevated above God and religion"

Not a statement that could be applied to the Salem with trials. Or the
holocaust. Or any major religious war. Sadly, there's not a lot of
things that this article can apply too, especially with such pervading
delusions that people are so prone to.

Practically everyone is subject to maya, and as such has at least a
single prejudice that resides within him, hidden or otherwise. They
will bring unfair judgement above reason and rational thought until
which time that they can RECOGNIZE and CHANGE their behavior. Until
this time, however, they will continue to struggle with their
perceptual defect. And in that time, it can cause a lot of pain and
suffering, as it has in the past.

-Mark H.

On 10/22/05, plcoles1 <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I just recently came across this article and thought it may be of interest to others here.
> Perry
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Mark Hamilton Jr.

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