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RE: Theos-World Blavatsky and Christianism

Sep 19, 2005 03:22 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

9/19/2005 3:14 PM

Dear Alaya:

See if this helps

Let me know if you want specifics





( A partial List )

[ All references, unless otherwise indicated, are in Theosophy Magazine. 
Volumes 1 to 83 (T), and the Theosophical Movement 
Volumes 1 to 63 (TM). ]

Other references are taken from Key, HPB Articles [ HPB ], WQJ Articles 
[ WQJ ], S D, ISIS, Collected Works of HPB, [ BCW ],
Theosophical Glossary [ Glos.], 
Theosophist [ Thst. ], A Modern Panarion [ Mod.P], Path, Lucifer, 
Transactions [ Trans.], etc.]

[Note: These are excerpts on Christian origins from several data bases 
prepared for a research student. ]

Extracts from chronological list of Articles in

Chronological Index to Articles on Historical Subjects and 
Personages in 

and THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY, Isis Unveiled, Secret Doctrine.



3,000 BC c.	JUDAISM (Tchandala Emigrants from India - Yadus)
United in Upper India c. 3,000 BC Is II 433

Buddhists in Judaea .[ Glos. 115 ]

Iao, Yaho, Iaho,	.	[ Glos. 148, 374 ]

Ineffable Name	.	.[ Glos. 155 ] 

Elohim - Adonai	.	. Is II 139; [ Glos. 113 ]

Dayanisi (Dionysos) . . [ Glos. 97, 102 ]

Seraphim - Celestials, Wise [ Glos. 296, 325 ]

Israel - Asar - the Sun-God [ Glos. 158 ]

Baal, Hercules, Adonis, Bel, Bacchus, Siva,

Moloch, Adonai, Jehovah, Chiun, Saturn,

Seth	Is II 45 131 236 439 487 491 524-6 567

Sabaoth	.	.	Is II 207 417-22

Tubal-Cain - Teacher in Using Metals [ Glos. 345 ]

Java Alhim	.	[ Glos. 162 ]

Abraham - The Patriarch	. T M 257	42
[ A-Brahm - a non-Brahmin ]
Hyksos Is I 27 444 567-70 [Pali=shepherd]

Is II 438 481 487-8 523,573	

Moses - The Initiate	. T M	300	42
SD II 539; Mod. Pan. 45; HPB Art 3-244; 
Is I 3, 555; II 129; SD I 320fn 385 
SD II 428 456 465 691; 

974-937 BC c.	Solomon - The Great	. T M	332	42
Is I 135 II 391; ML 345; SD II 591 
Is I 19 97 135-6 147 256 410 503 546 566
Is I 580 II 255 265 297 389 391-2 439 444
Is II 525 592; M. PAN. 45-6;

Mt. MORIAH site of King Solomon's first temple at Jerusalem
1st TEMPLE whereto Abraham journeyed to offer Isaac 
in sacrifice	GLOS 217

970-936 BC c.	Hiram (Tyre)	.	Is I 19, 135, 566-8

Jachin - a Pillar of Solomon's Temple	[ Glos. 161 ]

Solomon's Seal - Interlaced Triangles	[ Glos. 303 ]

Eden - Garden	. .	[ Glos. 109 ]

Ark of the Covenant	.	.	[ Glos. 30 ]

Jewish Scriptures	Biblical Traditions. T series v.50,51,52

The Oriental Kabala	.. T 371	56

[ see Notes on KABALA at end]

The Borrowers - Origins of Jewish Philos. 
T M 139 42

The Book of Enoch	. T 244	53

Genesis - .	.	[ Glos. 127 ]

Pentateuch - Ezra's compil. Is I 568 578 T 10 25
Is II 128 167 287 424 492 526; SD I 10; [ Gl. 117 ] 
SD II 143 544 658; HPB Art 1-432, 2-207, 238 3 

Thorah - Law .	.[ Glos. 331 ]

Septuagint	.	Mod. Pan. 45; SD II 200fn;

Talmud	.	.	.[Glos. 310 ] T 462 24

Talmidai Hakhameem - mystics, kabalists [ Glos. 318 ]

Mishnah - Older Portions of the Talmud [ Glos. 215 ]

Targum - Interpretation ..	[ Glos. 321 ]

Temura	.	.	..	[ Glos. 325 ]

Masorah - Masoretic Points	[ Glos. 208 ]

Pashut - Interpretative Method -	[ Glos. 250 ]

Mercavah	.	.	[ Glos. 213 ]

Tanaim - Initiates	.	.	[ Glos. 319 ]

Kabala	.	.	T v.71-272; T 440 25

Kabala and the Kabalists	. T 440	24

-19th Cent.	Kabala & the Kabalists at the Close
of the 19th Century T 30 5

[ see Notes on KABALA at end]

Zohar - Esoteric Wisdom	.[ Glos. 187, 268, 388 ]

Sepher Jetzirah ( Book of Creation )	[ Glos. 165 ]

Hay-yah (Buddhi)	.	[ Glos. 137 ]

Kadosh - Consecrated, Holy	Glos. 169 ]

Jewish Mysticism THEOSOPHICAL MVMT 414 56

Hivim, Chivim, Levites, Initiates	.[ Glos. 143 ]

Jehovah SD I 73, 390, II 96, 388, 460-8;

Yodh-Heva SD I 60 347 II 39 134 


Nazar [John the Baptist].	.	. [ Glos. 225-6 ]

The Nazarene Syst. [Glos. 226] T v.28-322; T 62 49

Codex Nazaraeus [The Book of Adam]	[ Glos. 86 ]

Ebionites (The Poor, Jesus' Family)	[ Glos. 108 ]

Essenes	. .	.	..	[ Glos. 115 ]

Asmoneans - Priest-Kings	.	[ Glos. 35 ]

Pharisees - Is I xxx 347 553 II 132 135 
Is II148 152 179 198 202 339 441 502 538

Sadducees - learned Philosophers	.	[ Glos. 283 ]

Followers of Zadok...	.	.	[ Glos. 384 ]
Is I xxx II 135 148 152 166 179 194 297 339

Sinai - Nissi - Dio-Nissi (os) - Sun	[ Glos. 299 ]

Thummim .	.	Glos. 334, 355 ]

Jerusalem	.	.	..	[ Glos. 163 ]

Sabeans	.	.	.	.	Is II 45

30 BC - 10 AD	Hillel	[ Precursor of Jesus ]	[ Glos. 141 ]


200 BC	ESSENES Pythagoreans	
GLOS 115 ISIS I xxx 16 26; II 37
ISIS II 130 139 145 307 336; SD II 592
LUCIF 19-377; THY 28-7; T M 26-176-7;

Secret Science all the lore of the Tanaim, 
brought from Chaldea	
GLOS 27 114; IS I xxx, II 155
THY 28-7; LUCIF 5-324; 

107 BC	PANTHER	Birth of Jesus (Jehoshua)	
ISIS II 201, GLOS 248,
or PENDERA (Lydda under reign of Alexander Janneus)
Jesus was the son of Joseph Panther (tradition 
makes him a Roman soldier) and Mary, hence Joshua
Ben Panther GLOS 248; HPB ART I 117, III 180-1
GLOS 109 156-7 194; SD II 504fn 

100 BC	INNOCENTS	"The 'Innocents' of Bethlehem and 
of Lud (or Lydda) who were put to death by 
Alexander Jannaeus, to the number of several thousands ... 
gave rise to the legend of the 40,000 innocents babes murdered 
by Herod while searching for the infant Jesus. The first is a little
known historical fact, the second a fable, as (shown by Renan in 
his La Vie de Jesus." 
GLOS 156-7; SD II 504fn GLOS 109, HPB ART III 180;

100 BC	EBIONITES	"The poor" - many were relations 
of Jesus Iassou
GLOS 108 83-4 226 248; ISIS II 127 135 201-2
ISIS II 144 181 304-5; HPB ART III 173 192
HPB ART I 117; M L 415; LUCIF 19-381

Hebrew text pub. 1681 AD by C. Wagensillius 
-- in Frankfort & Nuremberg

"Mary having become the mother of a Son, named
Jehoshua, and the boy growing up, she entrusted him to the 
care of Rabbi Elhanan, and the child progressed in knowledge, 
for he was well gifted with spirit and understanding.

Rabbi Jehoshua, son of Perachiah, continued the education of 
Jehoshua (Jesus) after Elhanan, and initiated him in the secret 
knowledge." but the King, Janneus, having given orders to slay 
all the initiates, Jehosuah Ben Perachiah, fled to Alexandria,
Egypt, taking the boy with him. ... Jesus supplemented his 
initiation in the Jewish Kaballah with an additional
of the secret wisdom of Egypt. When the 
persecution ceased, they both returned to Judea." 
ISIS II 201 ISIS II 127fn 135fn 201 304-5 544


76 BC	Jesus over 40 years old when first visited Jerusalem
ISIS II 135 fn

50 BC	Jesus between 50 and 60 years old when baptized
ISIS II 135fn

63 BC	SECOND TEMPLE taken by Pompey	GLOS 165

JESUS and CHRISTIANITY [ Glos. 108, 248 ]

30-20 BC Jesus death: "The Talmudic records claim...he was 
lapidated, and buried under the water at the junction 
of two streams. "Mishna Sanhedrin," Vol. vi, p. 4
Talmud of Babylon 43a, 67a ISIS II 255fn

1 Cent BC Jesus Is II 94 150 135fn 329 337 455 530; T 295, 346 24

Jesus a Buddhist Teacher	.	T 22	28
Jesus, Philosopher & Reformer	T 50	30
The Tradition of Issa or Iesus	T 11, 47, 7
[ Glos. Chrestos. 83 ]
Chrestos - Oracle .	.	[ Glos. 83-4 ]
Logia - Secret Teachings	[ Matthew ].	[ Glos. 190 ]
Panther - Father of Jesus.	.	.	[ Glos. 248 ]
Jeshu Ben Pandira	.	.	[ Glos. 191 ]
Lyd, Lud - Birthplace of Jesus	[ Glos. 109, 156 ]

30 BC - 45 AD	Philo Judaeus - historian - no record
of Jesus' work	.	[ Glos. 252-3 ]
Is II 33 39 84 144 513fn	



70 AD	THIRD TEMPLE	built by Herod the Great was razed to 
the ground by the Romans ... no new temple was 
allowed to be built..."	GLOS 165

70-80 AD	Rabbi Simon ben Jochai - Kabala .	[ Glos. 172 ]
Ebionites	.	..	[ Glos. 108 ]
[ genuine primitive Christians Glos. 226 ]
The Nazarene System	.T v.28-322; T 462 49

1st-3rd Cent.	GNOSTICS & EARLY CHRISTIANITY [ Glos. 129 ]

[ Valentinus, Basilides, Marcion, Simon Magus...]
Is I 2 299-300 583; II 38 41-2 51-2 
Is II 175-7 183-9 205-7 232-4 237-8 
Is II 253-4 293-6 309-10 325-7 488-489 

Preceded Christianity in Egypt	[ Glos. 241 ]

Pre-Christian Systems: The Gnosis	.. T 232	56

1st Cent AD First Century Christianity	.. T 433 24

2nd Cent AD	The Gnostics	.T v.55-204, 237; T 529	24
Gnosis and Christianity	T v.56 series; T 15 15	
Christos and Sophia Achamoth. T	301 56
Iu-Kabar Zivo	.	.[ Glos. 159 ]


c. 120-145 Basilides Is II 123 125 155 188-9 236 536 

153 -	Bardesanes Is I 581 II 221 224 252. [ Glos. 50-51 ]
[ see Nazarenes ]
Collyridians	.Is II 110 444	[ Glos. 88 ]

Ebionites (The Poor - Earliest ) [ Glos. 108 ]
Is II 127 135 144 180-182fn 190 307fn 492 

3rd. Cent Manicheans & Mani Is I 286 325 329 352	[ Glos. 204 ]

84-104 AD	Marcionites .. Is II 221 [ Glos. 207 ] 

Mendeans (St. John Chr.) Is II 289 446 [ Glos. 212 ]

Nabatheans (Sabeans, Nazarenes)	.[ Glos. 221 ]

In Lebanon Is II 128 135 197

Ophites - Earliest Sect Gnostics-"Bro.
of the Serpent" SD I 403 459 472	[ Glos. 241, 84 ]
Is II 129 168-176 184-8 228 292-6 399 
Is II 449 501 505 508-9 512-13

Sabians Is II 197 203 307fn 650-1	.[ Glos. 282 ]

Therapeutae (Pythag.) Key 3 72, Is I 19 [ Glos. 329 ]

Theurgists & Their Science T 353 50	
Is xlii 128-9 205 219 II 3 34 51 58 90 113 118 

Theurgy -ist - founded by Iamblichus [ Glos. 329 ]
Is I xlii 23 101 128-9 130 205 219 333 281-2 
Is I 284 306 321 334-5 340 343 370 485-6 489
Is I 477 502 512 527 564-5 570 II 34 253 563-5

135-160 AD Valentinus Is II 123 210 236 248 333 Lucif v.6-237
Pistis Sophia	.	.	[ Glos. 254 ]
" "[ G.R.S. Mead HPB notes ] series Lucif v. 6


325 AD COUNCIL 1st of NICEA [ Nicean Credo adopted ]
ISIS II 251-2 New Testament set ISIS II 337

506 AD Council of AGADA 
against Sortes Sanctorum (divination) Isis II 21

354-430	Augustine, St. [Church Dogmas set]
Is I xii xxxv 9 158 227 230 269 293 337
Is I 443 513 II 13 20-1 32-8 67-73 81
Is II 88-9 94 98 148 178 252 329 331
Is II 336 477-8 514 524 546 633

Abracadabra and Abrasax	.	.	[ Glos. 4 ]

Gospel on Prayer	. T 5	50
The Gospel According to John .TM 10, 37	26
Symbolic Christianity	.. T 245, 301	25
Ichthus - (Fish) - symbol	.	[ Glos. 150 ]
Christian Dogmas	...T 105	56
The Trinity	.	.. T 145	56
Rites & Ceremonial Dress	.. T 164	56

[ Baptism - .	..	[ Glos. 49 ]

[ Bread and Wine: Eucharist .	[ Glos. 63 ]

[ Calvary Cross: .	..	[ Glos. 72 ]

[ Atonement Trans 67-8, Key 205-6, 
SD II 202-3, Voice 68fn CWB 9-p.17

"All Souls" - Ulambana Festival	[ Glos. 351 ]

Agapae - Love-feasts	. [ Glos. 159, 191-2 ]

Bible, Reincarnation in the WQJ Art 84 1

Bible, Judaism & the WQJ Art 78 1

Theos. in the Christian Bible WQJ Art 266	1

Christian Fathers on Reincarnation WQJ Art 89 1

Popes Magicians	.	.	[ Glos. 257 ]

Star-Angel Worship in R C Church HPB Art 386 3

I.H.S. - (Vision of Constantine)	[ Glos. 152 ]
Labrum - P+	.	.[ Glos. 245, 183 ]
Constantine Imposture	.[ Glos. 184 ]

Theosophy or Jesuitism ?	.	.HPB Art 95 3
[ More on Christianity at end ]


2-6th Cent.	NEO-PLATONISTS [ Glos. 16, 21, 227, 252 ]

ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL of Philos.	.[ Glos. 16 ]
Is I 27-30; T M 47 18
[ Ptolemy Soter (Philadelphus), Euclid, 
Nichomachus, Herophilus, Erasistratus, 

309-248 BC	Founder: Ptolemy Soter Is I 6, 519 II 305
Library: 700,000 rolls (Aulus Gellius) [ Glos. 16]
>From Plato to the Neo-Platonists .	. T 3	28
Alexandria and her Schools .	. T 5	5

193 AD	Analogeticists [Gl. 21], Philalethians [Gl. 252]
[Ammonias, Origen, Plotinus, Philo Judaeus,
Josephus, Iamblichus, Porphyry, Clement,
Erastosthenes, Hypatia, Boethius... ]

193 AD	The Neo-Platonists founded by A. Saccas. T 76 56

2nd Cent.	Ammonias Saccas .[ Glos. 20, 327 ] T 53 25
The Theosophy of Ammonias Saccas .T M 5 56
Is I 7 434 43-4 II 51 249 333 342 536 591 594

205-270 AD Plotinus .	.	.. [ Glos. 256 ] T	101 25

Plotinus the Illuminator	.. T 372	15

The Teachings of Plotinus (Wilder). .T M 307 45
Is I xliii 7 112 247 251 262 292 307 430-2
Is I 434 487-9 II 85 89 112-3 115 159 252 
Is II 281 406 536 591

The Theosophy of Dionysus the Aeropagite 

Pot Amun	.	Glos. 259 ]

185-254	Origen Is I 12 26 316-7 II 13 238 285 T 511, 546 43

553	Anathemas Against Origen T series v.43, 44

150-220 c. Clemens Alexandrinus	..	. [ Glos. 85-6 ]
Is I xix 3 12 33 226 298 326 II 35 85 100
Is II 108 111 123 128 564 

233-305 AD Porphyry	.	.	. [ Glos. 257-8 ]
The Two Souls of Man: 

233-304 AD Iamblichus to Porphyry	. T 156	26
Glos. 149-50; T M 151 18
325 AD	Council-Nicea Is II 251-2 337 SD II 279fn T 200 25
Faith: Credo; Dogmas; Gospels ]

255-333 AD Iamblichus (Jamblichus) .[ Glos. 145 ] T 149 25
Is I xxi xxxviii xlii 3 33 64 115 146 219 
Is I 238 248 251 283-4 321 329 333-4 345
Is I 364 383 406 416 430 435 476 487-9
Is II 49 84 89 100 113 118 145 338 405 477

370-430 c. Synesius Is I 12 84 257 316 II 53 198-9

? -415 c. Hypatia--Last of the Neo-Platonists T 197	25
Glos. 146; Is II 28 52-4 198 249 252-3 

350-440 Christmas Selected, Date: Dec. 25th HPB Art. 59 3 
[ Actual birth date of Jesus unknown.]

410-485	Proclus - Commentator on Plato	.[ Glos. 263 ]
Is I 55 146 243 251 256 262 311-2 321 336
Is I 364-6 413 430 432 489 612 II 101-2
Is II 113-4 118 123 139 146 344 406

475-525	Boethius	Is I 251 II 300; T v.36-206 267;T 201 36

Neo-Platonic Influence in Western Thought T 83 51
The Neo-Platonic Revival	.. T 146, 156 26

>From the Neo-Platonists to H P B T 53	28

553	Council of Constantinople II 
[ Anathemas vs. Origen & "Pre-existence"]

8th Cent. Rabbi Akiba - Alphabet of R. A.	[ Glos. 271 ]



500 BC-476 AD
Jupiter	.	.	.	[ Glos. 166 ]

c.100 AD	Apollonius of Tyanna Is I 480-9 II 97 434; T 385 24
[ Evocation by -- E. Levi ]	. T 229	4
HPB on Apollonius	. [ Glos. 26-7 ] T 72 6
Apollonius and the Mahatmas	.T M 454 35
Apollonius and Simon Magus	.T M 449 35

175-245 AD Philostratus on Apollonius Is I xxxiifn	[ Glos. 253 ]

c.100 AD Simon Magus & Apollonius - HPB on . T	72 6
HPB Articles 161 3
c.50-138 AD Epictetus	. ..	T v.10-364; T 91, 183 11 
1st Cent BC Vitruvius, A Roman Teacher	. T 122	41
106-43 BC	Cicero on Immortality	. T 515	30	
121-180 AD Marcus Aurelius - Thoughts .. T 417,	519, 5
"	.	. T 418,	532, 36
288-337	Constantine Imposture I I H S ]	.	[ Glos. 184 ]
Labrum - Druidic, Sun, standard	[ Glos. 184 ]

331-363	Julian (The Apostate) Is I 130 247 
Is II 139 351 417 566
475-525	Boethius	.	T 206, 267, 201	36
483-563	Justinian [Code based on Manu] Is I 586-7

1042 AD CODEX NAXAREUS first published	ISIS II 135fn

1621 AD SEPHER TOLDOS JESHU first published ISIS II 201


[ ISIS II 253 ]

Finger-Posts, Middle Ages T series v.31-2, v.36-7
810-877	Erigena, John S.	.	T v.37-p.14; T 492, 544 36
T M v.56-128
Fire-Philosophers	. [ Glos. 119 ]
12th Cent. Artephius	.	[ Glos. 31 ]
Light in the Dark Ages	T v.34-p.53; 532	25
Dark Cycle	.	T 154	20 

1214-1294	Roger Bacon	..[ Glos. 48 ] T 50 26
1214-1294 Roger Bacon - alchemist	. T M v.22-200 [ Glos. 279 ]
Friar Bacon	.	T M 9	19

1235-1315 Lully, R	.T v.26-99; Glos. 192; T 107, 206	32
13th Cent. John Cremer - Hermeticist ..	[ Glos. 89 ]
13th Cent. Moses de Leon .	.. [ Zohar - Glos. 187,388 ]
-1327	Cecco d'Ascoli - astrologer [ Glos. 74 ]
1358-1419	On Tsong-Ka-Pa	Is II 609-16; T M v.7-25; T M141 8


15-16th Cent.[ Marsilia Ficino, G. Pico della Mirandola, Cosmo de
Medici, Rapael, Boticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da
Vinci, Luther, Calvin, Erasmus, Trithemius, Paschalis,
C. Agrippa, 

15th Cent. The Theosophical Renaissance	.. T 98	26
[ see KEY, p. 16 ]
The Theosophical Movement in the 
Renaissance	. T M 252, 305	39
Spiritual Yeast in 14th Century
Europe	. T M	200	25 
Protestants Is I 435 II 180 200fn 296fn 501-3


15th Cent. FLORENTINE ACADEMY:[M. Ficino, 
Pico della Mirandola,
Cosimo & Lorenzo de Medici, Paschalis ]

1498	(Successors); Fratres Lucis: [Glos.199] T 148 26
Paschalis, Cagliostro,	.. T 403, 554	2
Mesmer	.	.	. Lucif. 19-328 
St. Germain, Swedenborg... ] 

The Neo-Platonic Revival	.. T 146, 156	26
Italian Renaissance & Ancient Wisdom TM 223 25

1463-1494	Pico della Mirandola IS I 226 Glos. 254 253	80
Is II 20 SD II 200 600
Pico d.Mirandola, the Greatness of Man T M250 25
Theos. Movement in the Renaissance . T M 252,305 39

1433-1499	Marsilio Ficino Is I 8 243-4 336 385 407
Is II 115 591

1455-1522	Reuchlin	.	Is I 238 II 20 419

1462-1516	Trithemius - friend of C. Agrippa	[ Glos. 344 ]
Is I 193, 229, 476-7; II 20;
1466-1536 Erasmus	.	.	... Is II 20

1486-1535	C. Agrippa Path 11-p.19-22, CWB I-443,
Glos. 14, 167-8, 120, 344; Is I 170; 
Is II 280; HPB Art III 403;

Fluvii Transistus [ Agrippa]	[ Glos. 120 ]


14-16th Cent. Heretics & the Renaissance	T series 53, 54
14-16th Cent.	1	Heresy & Christianity	T 100	53
14-16th Cent.	2	Crisis in the Church	. T 132	53
11th-12th Cent.3	Cathari or Albigenses [GnosticS]	T 179
11th-12th Cent.4	Albigensian Crusade & Inquisition	. T 196
10th-13th Cent.5	Troubadours & Mystery Language	. T 228	53
6	Albigensian Papermakers/Watermarks . T 262 53
7	New Light on the Renaissance	T 293	53
8-9	R. in the Light of Theosophy	. T 327,	357 53
10	" " "	" T 5	54

11th-12th Cent. Albigenses T v.58-378;v.50-572;v.79-349; TM	166 21

1217-1800	Waldenses (Peter Waldo) .	Is II 332 502

1483-1546	Luther, Martin Is I xliv, II 20 34 58 73-4 
Is II 127 178 200 208 480 503 531

1489-1556	The Impact of Thomas Cranmer	T M 213 26

1498-	Brothers of Light - Founded Florence	[ Glos. 188 ]

1493-1541	Paracelsus Glos 248 T v.8-344, 376; T 197,	242 26
T	v. 10 series; T 97, 151	24 
Paracelsus [Bio. by G. West ] . T M 152, 193 59
Paracelsus	. TM v.49-412, 455; TM 34 11

1501-1576	Jerome Cardan - alchemist .	[ Glos. 73 ]

1502-1598	Khunrath, Henry IS I xxv 319; II 152 [ Glos. 178 ]

1509-1564	Calvin, John [ French Protestant - Huguenots]
[Presbyterians] ISIS II 208 479 503 547

1510-1581	Guillaume Postel IS II 470 T v.32-210, 257; 206 32
Glos. 258-9; Isis II 470

1548-1600	Giordano Bruno .	. T v.6-385; v.67-341; 
T v.73-170; T 338 26

The Theosophy of G. Bruno v. 26-74 T M 51, 76 14
Is I xxxiii 93-8 338-9 431 582 II 528 531


CHRISTIANITY [ Glos. 226 ]

The Christian Scheme - History -	T series	57,
Esoteric Character of the Gospels HPB Art 168 3
The Roots of Christianity in 
Earlier Faiths	.	T v.52-101; T 481 24
Pagan Roots	[Glos. 245] T v.56-p. 7; series 50

The First Christians	. T 273	56
Ebionites (The Poor)	.	[ Glos. 108 ]
Chrestos - Oracle .. [ Glos. 83-4 ]
Jesus - Logos - Christos	.. T 334	56

Pre-Christian Systems: The Gnosis	. T 232	56
The Bible and the Vedas	.. T 46	56
Buddhism, Christianity & Phallicism HPB Art 29 3 
The Gita and the Bible	.. T 159, 211, 261	43
The Oriental Kabala	.T 371	56
Destruction of Sources	. T 197	56

The Gospel on Prayer	. T 405	50
The Gospel According to John	T M 10, 37 26
Symbolic Christianity	.. T 245, 301	25
Ichthus - (Fish) - symbol	..	[ Glos. 150 ]

Christian Dogmas	.. T 105	56
The Trinity	.	.. T 145	56
Rites & Ceremonial Dress	.. T 164	56
[ Baptism - .	..	.[ Glos. 49 ]
[ Bread and Wine: Eucharist .[ Glos. 63 ]
[ Calvary Cross: .	.	.[ Glos. 72 ]
[ Atonement Trans 67-8, Key 205-6, 
SD II 202-3, Voice 68fn CWB 9-p.17
"All Souls" - Ulambana Festival	.[ Glos. 351 ]
Agapae - Love-feasts	.. [ Glos. 159, 191-2 ]

Bible, Reincarnation in the	WQJ Art 84 1
Bible, Judaism & the WQJ Art 78 1
Theos. in the Christian Bible WQJ Art 266 1
Christian Fathers on Reincarnation WQJ Art 89 1

Popes Magicians	.	.	.[ Glos. 257 ]
Star-Angel Worship in the R C Church HPB Art 386	3

I.H.S. - (Vision of Constantine)	[ Glos. 152 ]
Labrum - P+	.	[ Glos. 245, 183 ]
Constantine Imposture	[ Glos. 184 ]

Theosophy or Jesuitism ?	.	. HPB Art 95 3
[ More on Christianity at end ]

Things Common to Christianity and Theos.T 50, 90	9
Is Christianity Unique ?	.	.. T	339, 396
The Fall of Christ's Teachings and the
Rise of Church Dogmas	.	T M	18	11
Christian Beatitudes: A Comparative
Study with Islamic Ethics	.	T M	52	8
Christian Science .	.	.. [ Glos. 84-5 ]
Christendom & Islam, A Turkish Effendi on T 112 11
Christ and Christian	.	. T	51	31
Christians and the Modern World	. T	272	29
Practical Christianity	.	.. T	194	11
Christian Missionaries	.	T M	136	6
Christianizing the Heathen	.	. T	370	11
Our Christian 19th Century Ethics	.T M	169	12
Gandhi on Christian Missionaries	. T M	136	5


KABALA	[ Glos 167-8 ] - KABALISTS

[ Tanaim, Chaldeans, Magi, St.John Christians,
Paracelsus, Henry Khunrath, Jacob Boehme,
Robert Fludd, Van Helmont, John Trithemius,
Cornelius Agrippa, Cardinal N. Cusani, 
Jerome Carden, Pope Sixtus IV, R. Lully,
G. Pico d. Mirandola, G. Postel, J. Reuchlin,
Dr. Henry More, Thos. Vaughan, Athanasius Kircher,
C. Knorr von Rosenroth, Sir. Isaac Newton, 
Leibnitz, Lord Bacon, Spinoza, Isaac Meyer, 
Dante, Dr. S. Pancaost, G. Felt, 
Dr. W. Wynn Westcott, S.L. MacGregor Mathers, ]

The Oriental Kabala	..	. T 371	56

Kabbalah of the Nine Chambers	[ Glos. 230 ]

Qabbalah	.	.	[ Glos. 268, 167 ]
Author: Ibn Gebirol SD I 376 [Glos. 45, 150 ]

Kabala	[Glos. 167,272-3; T v.71-272; T 440 25
Kabalist	.	.	.	[ Glos. 167 ]
Kabala and the Kabalists	.	HPB Art 235 3
Kabalistic View of "Spirits" HPB Mod. Panar. 152
HPB on the Kaballah	.	. T M	183	13
Sephirothal Worlds	.	. T	148	51
Sephiroth	- Is II 40; SD 1 129, II 2fn [ Glos. 295 ]
Kzilem - Waters of Life - Sephiroth	[ Glos. 169 ]
50 Gates of Wisdom [ 49 + 1 ]	.	[ Glos. 120 ]
32 Ways to Wisdom- Zohar .	.	[ Glos. 330 ]
Zohar - Esoteric Wisdom	.	[ Glos. 187, 268, 388 ]
Sepher Jetzirah ( Book of Creation }	[ Glos. 165 ]
Shekinah - Light of - veils Ain Soph	[ Glos. 297 ]
Aged of the Aged	.	.	[ Glos. 204
Head of All Heads	.	.	[ Glos. 137 ]
Heavenly Adam	. .	[ Glos. 138 ]
Faces	. .	[ Glos. 294, 195 ] [ Glos. 118 ]
Lower Face [ Microprosopus ]	[ Glos. 192, 294 ]
Macroprosopus	- Great Face -	.	[ Glos. 195 ]
Inferior & Superior Worlds	.	Glos. 372 ]
White Fire	.	.	.	[ Glos. 369 ]
Demons	. .	.	.	[ Glos. 98 ]


70-80 AD	Rabbi Simon ben Jochai - Kabala .	[ Glos. 172
1240-	Rabbi Abulafia, Sargosa	.	.	[ Glos. 271 ]
8th Cent.	Rabbi Akiba - Alphabet of R.A.	.	[ Glos. 271 ]
1050-	Rabbi Ibn Gebirol - Kether Malchuth	[ Glos. 171 ]
1160-	Rabbi Azariel ben Menachem	.	.	[ Glos. 271 ]
1200-	Rabbi Isaac the Blind	.	.	.	[ Glos. 172 ]
-1304	Rabbi Moses Maimonides	.	.	.	[ Glos. 172
1290-	Rabbi Moses de Leon - Zohar	.	.	[ Glos. 172 ]
1300-	Rabbi Gikatilla - gematria	.	.	[ Glos. 172
1480-	Rabbi Moses Botarel .	.	.	.	[ Glos. 271 ]
1550-	Rabbi Moses Cordovero	.	.	.	[ Glos. 172 ]
1560-	Rabbi Loria (Luria)	.	.	.	[ Glos. 172 ]
1600-	Rabbi Chajim Vital - Tree of Life	.	[ Glos. 271
1641-	Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi	.	.	.	[ Glos. 172 ]



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Alaya
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 5:22 AM
Subject: Theos-World Blavatsky and Christianism

Some months ago someone posted a link to a page where are enumerated
all Blavatsky's words related to this subject, Jesus etc, divided by
subjetc... pages in the SD, her articles etc.
Does anyone know about this page?
I cannot find it!!!!
please, if any of you know the page I'm talking about, could you give
me a link?!

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