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About The Use Of Stem Cells / Reincarnation / Ethics

Jul 31, 2005 08:58 AM
by Compiler

About The Use Of Stem Cells / Reincarnation / Ethics

The thoughts that I offer below came to me
only about a half an hour ago when watching
TV and the subject of ethics, as usual,
concerning the use of stem cells to help
people who are suffering with so many major
diseases, came up here in the United States.

Even though I leave it to others to maybe
bring the subject up in different public forums,
based on my starting-idea suggestions,
simply to maybe get it all going, by those
who are maybe capable to do so, as well as
commenting on it in these theosophical
forums, as usual, I will not be responding
to anyone, but will simply read all that is
said about it.

OK, what popped into my mind was that
since Reincarnation is believed in by about
35 to 40 percent of the American people
(based on figures I saw some time in the past
year or two, but which I can't remember where
or when I read this), which percentage-wise
means, if these figures are more or less
true, that many Christians also believe in
Reincarnation, that it might be worth trying
to get into the national and international media
and political dialogue a conversation about
the following things that also came to my
mind (just some raw thoughts, just some
starting ideas, for everyone to expand on
in the many ways possible):

If Reincarnation is true, or at least believed
to be true by so many people, this means
that it would be more ethical to use these
stem cells to help so many suffering people
who are already here, than to not use them
because of the thinking that the use of them
are destroying lives not yet born. Why?
Because if Reincarnation is the natural
process, then no thinking human being,
life, or soul is destroyed, but they simply
can't re-enter the scene, if that is in any
way the dynamic, through the specific
very tiny body parts that are stem cells that
may have been associated with their return,
but will simply get naturally drawn, either
immediately, and both still by the laws
of karma, or cause and effect, to another
mother, or will simply have to wait a little
while longer to re-enter this plane.

So based on these few ideas, and to me at
least, since I'm one of the many who believe
in Reincarnation at this point in my life, it is
highly, I repeat, highly, unethical to allow any
of us who are already on the physical plane
scene to suffer more than necessary by
refusing to allow both stem cell research,
and the use of them, to enter the medical
scene in a 100% way.

That's it. Good, bad, useful, or otherwise, that's
my little contribution to my fellow theosophists
to consider in all the theosophical forums that
I post in. If any of you see something in this,
as far as it maybe being a major subject to
skillfully get into the public dialogue, if any of
you can, grab the ball and run with it. If it's just
a stupid and unrealistic idea, and not really
worth putting to constructive use in the stem
cell battle, as well as bringing one of the
main theosophical teachings, which is
Reincarnation, into this particular stem cell
discussion that grips the nation, so be it.
I did my best and honestly presented some
thoughts that came to me out of the blue.

Finally, since this posting is completely
different than my monthly postings, I won't
present any particular article, articles, or
series of articles from my web site in this
top section, but will simply end the way
I do in each of my monthly posting with
everything that is below the double line.

Yours truly in Universal Brotherhood,

John DeSantis

Dear newcomers to Theosophy:

I sincerely do hope that my web site offers
a well-rounded overall view of Theosophy and
the Theosophical Movement. The 3 main links
to everything on it are found below.

Please know that I'm only the compiler of
all the articles found on my web site; I'm
not a scholar; and also that I personally
do not like to take part in conversations,
even though I do hope that what I present
from time to time will help a little in
the discussions being carried on by others.
So please do not be insulted when I do not
respond if someone addresses me, or addresses
anything that is found in any of the articles
on my web site; I leave that for others to
deal with if they want to -- whether pro, con,
neutral, friendly or unfriendly.

John DeSantis

You may find a great deal of the Truth that you
are searching for here: web site (Main Page):

This is the Index page of the "Introductory",
"Setting the Stage" book, which was especially
compiled for newcomers to Theosophy:

The page where "Additional" articles are slowly
being added (which contains 18 sections that
can each be clicked on at the top of the page
in order to go directly down to them, as well
as to get the link to any particular section
that you may want to use in a posting on a
discussion board, or in an e-mail to someone):

This next link is to the most updated version of my
economic proposal to humanity, a practical project
to help our suffering world that I also consider
to be Theosophical. In it you will find a new and
unique, but mostly unknown, economic system
model that might be able to put an end to involuntary
poverty on earth. How? It presents a way to fully
finance everything of importance that is needed
in every nation. Because of this it's well worth
pointing to. Please note that, for strategic
reasons, of wanting it to have the best chance
of being accepted by all peoples worldwide,
no matter what their religious, philosophical,
and scientific beliefs are, I've put it on a
completely different web site; it contains
no mention of, or link to, the Theosophy and
the Theosophical Movement that is presented
on my web site:



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