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Jul 30, 2005 10:53 PM
by gregory
Poor Anand obviously follows Leadbeater’s principle: never let the facts get in the way of a good story! To deal with a few of the more obviously silly of Anand’s claims: 1.”He earned doctorate because he did some research mostly related to rumors in Leadbeater's life. Till this point what Gregory did was logical and sensible from viewpoint of the candidate for Ph.D.” Where and when did Anand read my doctoral thesis? If he has not read it, onwhat basis does he claim to know its content? If he has read it, on how many of the some 1500 pages are “rumours” about Leadbeater considered? I presume Anand has no understanding of the requirements of doctoral research in reputable universities. No thesis would be accepted by the university, let alone approved by the external examiners, which was not based on sound historical methodology and documentation. 2. “But Gregory made big mistake later. His research on rumors - which formed very small part of the life of Mr. Leadbeater - was published by Gregory ashis full biography.” Anand attributes to me occult powers which Leadbeater claimed, but which I do not claim: how could I complete a thesis in 1986 and then publish the book based on the thesis in 1982? Do I possess powers to transcend the laws of time? 3. “In Adyar TS there are large number of members who have Ph.D. or master's degree. Most of these scholars rejected this biography considering it completely misleading as it focused on small part of his life and was published by Gregory as full biography of Mr. Leadbeater.” Name three of them! Produce the evidence of their critical reviews of the book. Incidentally, the only reviews published in (Adyar) TS journals were both highly flattering AND written by a member with a PhD. Even poor Peter Michel, a devout Adyar Theosophist, who struggled in his biography of Leadbeater to defend the man, began by acknowledging the quality of my research (and, by the way, accepting the 1854 birthdate). Anand might also like to explain why the (Adyar) TS, apparently packed with scholars able and willing to demolish my work, has never published a critical review. Anand might also like (assuming he has read “The Elder Brother”) to tell me on how many of its 337 pages are “rumours” about Leadbeater considered. 4. “These scholars in Adyar TS and many outside TS also considered this biography as most unscholarly biography. It formed opinion that Gregory does not have capacity to do any objective, scholarly research and his characteris not pure enough to place before world accurate facts in balanced manner.” Name three of the scholars outside the TS! Produce the evidence of their critical reviews of the book. All the published reviews – many of them both scholars with PhDs! – were highly favourable. Perhaps Anand might like to explain why, from amongst the “hundreds of scholars in Theosophical circles”, only one (Hugh Shearman – who had a PhD!) hasever attempted a biography of Leadbeater – and that a small pamphlet which didn’t challenge any of my research, and confirmed the 1854 birthdate. When is theTPH publishing its definitive, scholarly biography of Leadbeater? 5. “So whatever credit Gregory had earned by getting Ph.D. was lost by printing thesis as biography.” See 2 above: please explain how I could have published a book in 1982 basedon a thesis completed in 1986. 6. If he was wise enough, after taking Ph.D. he could have said " thesis is written to get Ph.D, I wrote it and earned doctoral degree. Matter is over,I don't want to discuss that subject" If he had said so, nobody would have ridiculed Gregory or questioned his capacity to do research. But after getting doctoral degree also he published that small part of Leadbeater's life as biography. See 2 above: please explain how I could have published a book in 1982 basedon a thesis completed in 1986. Or how I could make a decision after obtaining a degree in 1986 to publish a book in 1982. If I have these occult powers, Anand, please remind me how to use them: it would be fun! Please also provide the sources in which I have been “ridiculed” or my capacity to do research questioned. 7.”Result was hundreds of scholars in Theosophical circles and outside ridiculed Gregory, considered his work as unscholarly and came to conclusion that Gregory lacks capacity to do research and he can't present correct picture.” You say “hundreds of scholars” ….. I won’t hold you to that, but name ten of them from within the TS and ten from outside it. Produce their comments. 8. “So what Gregory earned by getting Ph.D. was lost by publishing thesisas biography.” See 2 above: how could what I earned in 1986 be lost in 1982? Do I have the ability to travel in time? It’s easy to understand why Anand is such a devotee of Leadbeater: their approach to the world is all but identical. Vast claims based on nothing substantial, an enthusiastic re-writing of history, ignorance veiled under pomposity and, when all else fails, simple lies. But entertaining in small doses provided he is not taken at all seriously (also like Leadbeater). Dr Gregory Tillett