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Jul 30, 2005 11:25 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Jerry wrote:
I do find it interesting that critics of Tillett's book seem to always
discuss it as if it was about the 1906 Chicago incident and nothing
else. Yes, that and other material germane to that incident is in there
too. However, this is the only part of the book that people (like you)
who criticize the book seem to notice. Frankly, this rhetoric raises
questions about the critics--not the author.

Frank adds:
just so, Jerry!

Anand wrote:
In Adyar TS there are large number
of members who have Ph.D. or master's degree. Most of these scholars
rejected this biography considering it completely misleading as it
focused on small part of his life and was published by Gregory as
full biography of Mr. Leadbeater.

Jerry answers:
If this is their criticism, then it is obvious that they never read the
book either.

Frank adds:
Why do these anonymous scholars present not a better Leadbeater biography?
Why do these Adyar TS affiliated scholars not present the many documents 
about Leadbeater which are in teh Adyar archivesß
Why do they give no docuemntary proof of the claimed outstanding high occult 
standing of Leadbeater?

Jerry asks:
I have never heard of this. Please name these scholars.

Frank adds:
Perhaps it is Dr Peter Michel of Germany?
He still believes in in his 1847 birthday, but fails to give a logical 
It is just an occult riddle....
Why do these Leadbeater-scholars not publish the many documents of the 
Rukmini Devi legacy?

Jerry writes to Anand:
If you are going to criticize a book, I suggest that you read it first.
If you argue that the book was rejected by the academic community (an
absurd charge), then at least name names and quote their comments.

Frank adds:
He also spreads gossip about HPB and proofs that he never read - or at least 
understood - HPB.
To understand HPB you must develop Buddhi and Manas.
That seems to be complicated to some people.
Leadbeater can be read on a merely emotional level.
It is a kind of science fiction for mental lazybones.
This is the reason why the reject comparison, ctiticism, contrast.
It hurts their astral emotional feelings.
In fact, following Leadbeater is working against nature.
Leadbeater followers with their bigotism, hate of thinking, fanatsim, blind 
belief, make belief want to push down mankind in a mental state of permanent 
hypnotism, only allowing worship of their idiotic priest caste and blind 
execution of their orders.
It is quite the anti thesis of what HPB stood for.
And that is the reason why lunatics like Anand hate HPB.

In a sane TM there should be no place for such dark people.


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