Re: Theos-World Leadbeater's tragic defenders
Jul 16, 2005 03:48 PM
by thaw win
execuse me
can i talk about Buddish .i know he really know all about theosophy.because he talk about "cause". he said everybody have cause.everything depend on cause.everyone have one cause that's allhe said .how do u think????? wrote:
What psychological and intellectual tragedies the defenders of Leadbeater prove
to be!
1. Those who claim Leadbeater’s account of his birth and early years was
accurate need to (i) provide documentary evidence to support their assertions,
and/or (ii) replicate my research to demonstrate it was flawed. Because they
are fundamentally lazy and lacking in the intellectual skills to undertake
research, none of them has bothered to do this (after it, it would involve
serious historical research with original sources rather than sitting at a
keyboard). The research was, in fact, replicated by (a) Lilian Storey, then
Librarian of Blavatsky Lodge in London, and a very competent genealogist, at
the request of the then President of the (Adyar) TS, John Coats: her work
confirmed everything I had claimed; (b) Hugh Shearman of the (Adyar) TS anda
Priest of the Liberal Catholic Church in a pamphlet biography and also
reproduced as an introduction to a Liberal Catholic Church publication of
Leadbeater’s “The Christian Gnosis”); and (c) by Peter Michel (a Leadbeater
defender) for his "Charles W. Leadbeater. Mit den Augen des Geistes. Die
Biographie eines grossen Eingeweihten" Aquarian Verlag, Voglherd: 1998. The
latter two sought to put a spin on the inaccuracies of Leadbeater’s claims, but
could not challenge the facts. I note that my offer of a $500US “reward” for
evidence for the 1847 birthdate has yet to be claimed!
2. I am pleased to know that I have “made money” from “The Elder Brother” –
please send the evidence to my bank, my accountant and the Australian Tax
Office! Travel to and from Britain, years of living and researching in London
and elsewhere in the UK, travel to and from and expenses for living and
researching in the USA, Australia, France and India….all paid for by royalties
from the book with a profit for me! Calculate the number of sales and the
author’s royalty, deduct all the expenses and tell me the profit. I have
obviously been defrauded by someone if there’s a profit.
3. “The Elder Brother” isn’t on the web because the profits continue to pour in.
Not quite. The book was not technically remaindered: Routledge (the publisher)
changed ownership and put much of their existing list up for sale. Copies of my
book were offered to me, but I had no interest (nor yet the money) to buy them
all. Since that time, not one cent of royalties have come to me. It is not on
the web because I do not have an electronic version of the book (written
pre-computers – I used an electric typewriter) ake it available on a reputable
website, I am happy to consider (without any payment) giving copyright
permission. Konstantin Zaitzev [] claims I “just advertise”
my book – sorry….where do I do this? Since I have no copies for sale,
advertising would seem to be redundant!
4. Leadbeater was adopted. Yet more evidence of intellectual incompetence and
laziness. What was the British law regarding adoption and birth certificates at
the time? You don’t know? It would be helpful to know what you were claiming
before you made the claim. The birth certificate (1854) is a BIRTH certificate,
nothing to do with adoption.
5. By the way – you might like to explain why/who Leadbeater himself, in his own
(even then) distinctive handwriting, declared (on legal penalty of prosecution
for giving false information) declared he had been born in1854 when making a
census return. Haven’t seen the census return? More laziness and intellectual
retardation. Go to the original documents.
6. You don’t have a hard copy of the 1854 birth certificate? Try undertaking
some real historical research – e.g. go to London, go to the General Register
Office, fill in the form and pay the money – they’ll give you one.
7. The claim that his stories about his birth and family are based solely on my
word? Clearly you read in a narrow range. Read Hugh Shearman’s booklet. Read
Peter Michel’s book. Break out of your incubator and do some real historical
8. No rational explanation for Leadbeater’s claim of a false birthdate? Surely
he would have known someone would have found out? You fail to understand the
context (in which “gentlemen” were never challenged for evidence) and you fail
to understand the psychopathology of infallibility with which Leadbeater seems
to have been infected.
9. Leadbeater was “proved innocent” – poor Anand, such intellectual incapacity.
Leadbeater was found by the court in the Krishnamurti case not to have done
what Krishnamurti’s father alleged. But – what did Leadbeater admit in the
“Olcott Committee” hearing? What did the Police in Sydney find? In the latter
case (again, laziness has obviously precluded actually reading he files)
prosecution did not follow ONLY because the Police concluded that the boys and
their parents were so controlled by Leadbeater that they would not give
accurate evidence. Presumably the “proved innocent” advocates have not bothered
to read the documents produced by E.L. Gardner.
Dr Gregory Tillett
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