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Jul 10, 2005 12:55 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

>Well, some argue that logistics and administration was backed up by
technology made in the USA.

Vladimir, why made in USA?

You would like to consider what Jack Shulman says about the invention of the 

For some people it is quite clear that this advanced technology did not come 
from outer space, but rather from the Earth, from Germany.
The whole exoteric UFO poppycock is a cover up. The Roswell UFO came not 
from space, but from Germany.
In the 1930'ies US intelligence classified the advanced German technology 
(computers, video tape, visual telephone, antigravitation, jet propulsion, 
new materials etc. etc.) as "alien technology".

The term alien has more than one meaning. One meaning is: Extraterrestials 
from outer space. That is how it is regarded since years - or rather how 
they force us to regard it.
The other meaning of the term is "foreign". "Alien technology" meant nothing 
else that enemy, "German technology".

It is interesting to note that although the USA have stolen around 500,000 
unique advanced technology patents of all fields, they were (until today) 
not able to replicate it.
When it turned out in the mid-1960'ies that they are not able to regain that 
level it was decided to bluff the ignorant masses with the Apollo moon 

>From a theosophical point of view it would make much sense as HPB writes in 
her SD that advanced technology like Keely's motor will only come when used 
altruistic (as the Germans did).
The US policy was, as ex chancellor Helmut Schmidt explained not long ago in 
German TV, imperialistic, aggressive and intolerant from the beginning.
So long as if the US policy has as its motto: every nation which lives not 
the way we live, will be destroyed, this advanced technology will be 
There is reason to believe that the White Lodge is interesting in it as we 
know from the Count of St. Germain that he several times visited King 
Frederick of Prussia at his tea house in the garden of his castle in Potdam 
to help him to create the German railway system etc.



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