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Theos-World reincarnation

Jul 04, 2005 01:13 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev

> - In, "Frank Reitemeyer" wrote:

> is that strange in anyway?
> The new personality does not come out of the blue, it consists of 
the life atoms of the last personality.

>> The boy retained all his personal likes and dislikes,
>> including those to meatloaf and icecream!

I emphasized the following point:

"as the bee collects its honey from every flower, leaving the rest as 
food for the earthly worms, so does our spiritual individuality, 
whether we call it Sutratman or Ego. Collecting from every terrestrial 
personality, into which Karma forces it to incarnate, the nectar alone 
of the spiritual qualities and self-consciousness, it unites all these 
into one whole and emerges from its chrysalis as the glorified 
Dhyani-Chohan. So much the worse for those terrestrial personalities 
from which it could collect nothing. Such personalities cannot 
assuredly outlive consciously their terrestrial existence."

I don't think that a like for meatloaf is a quality of that kind which 
can be called a "nectar of spiritual qualities". It would be better to 
keep "the bloom on Colonel's cheek" than such a spititual quality.

Here I fully agree with Murray. I have read somewhere (probably in G. 
Hodson's lectures) that if a man dies "prematurely", by violent death 
or in childhood) he retains an old set of subtle bodies and after a 
short time reincarnates which them again. It should be regarded from 
an occult point of view as one incarnation. I have read even a story 
about German robber who killed a rich Australian tourist, and later 
was himself killed in a gangster clash. He was immediately reborn in 
Australia as a son of that very tourist. Obviously, there was a karmic 
link, not mere telepathic connection. When he realized that he killed 
is own father, he was put to psychiatric clinic, nevertheless he 
committed suicide.


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