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Is this Leininger case a "real" case of reincarnation or something else?

Jul 03, 2005 08:51 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Consider the following case:

The Past Life Memories
of James Leininger

in light of what the Master K.H. writes below.

Is this Leininger case a "real" case of reincarnation 
or something else?

....the suicides and those killed by accident ... can 
communicate, and both have to pay dearly for such 
visits. And now I have again to explain what I mean. 
Well, this class is the one that the French Spiritists 
call -- "les Esprits Souffrants." They are an exception 
to the rule, as they have to remain within the earth's 
attraction, and in its atmosphere -- the Kama-Loka -- 
till the very last moment of what would have been the 
natural duration of their lives. In other words, that 
particular wave of life-evolution must run on to its 
shore. But it is a sin and cruelty to revive their 
memory and intensify their suffering by giving them a 
chance of living an artificial life; a chance to overload 
their Karma, by tempting them into opened doors, viz., 
mediums and sensitives, for they will have to pay roundly 
for every such pleasure. I will explain. The suicides, who, 
foolishly hoping to escape life, found themselves still alive, -- 
have suffering enough in store for them from that very life. Their 
punishment is in the intensity of the latter. Having lost by the 
rash act their seventh and sixth principles, though not for ever, as 
they can regain both -- instead of accepting their punishment, and 
taking their chances of redemption, they are often made to regret 
life and tempted to regain a hold upon it by sinful means. In the 
Kama-Loka, the land of intense desires, they can gratify their 
earthly yearnings but through a living proxy; and by so doing, at 
the expiration of the natural term, they generally lose their monad 
for ever. As to the victims of accident -- these fare still worse. 
Unless they were so good and pure, as to be drawn immediately within 
the Akasic Samadhi, i.e. to fall into a state of quiet slumber, a 
sleep full of rosy dreams, during which, they have no recollection 
of the accident, but move and live among their familiar friends and 
scenes, until their natural life-term is finished, when they find 
themselves born in the Deva-Chan -- a gloomy fate is theirs. Unhappy 
shades, if sinful and sensual they wander about -- (not shells, for 
their connection with their two higher principles is not quite 
broken) -- until their death-hour comes. Cut off in the full flush 
of earthly passions which bind them to familiar scenes, they are 
enticed by the opportunities which mediums afford, to gratify them 
vicariously �. 

The rule is, that a person who dies a natural death, will remain 
from "a few hours to several short years," within the earth's 
attraction, i.e., in the Kama-Loka. But exceptions are, in the case 
of suicides and those who die a violent death in general. Hence, one 
of such Egos, for instance, who was destined to live -- say 80 or 90 
years, but who either killed himself or was killed by some accident, 
let us suppose at the age of 20 -- would have to pass in the Kama 
Loka not "a few years," but in his case 60 or 70 years, as an 
Elementary, or rather an "earth-walker"; since he is not, 
unfortunately for him, even a "shell." Happy, thrice happy, in 
comparison, are those disembodied entities, who sleep their long 
slumber and live in dream in the bosom of Space! And woe to those 
whose Trishna will attract them to mediums, and woe to the latter, 
who tempt them with such an easy Upadana. For in grasping them, and 
satisfying their thirst for life, the medium helps to develop in 
them -- is in fact the cause of -- a new set of Skandhas, a new 
body, with far worse tendencies and passions than was the one they 
lost. All the future of this new body will be determined thus, not 
only by the Karma of demerit of the previous set or group but also 
by that of the new set of the future being....

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