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Wood on Leadbeater allegations

Jun 14, 2005 11:37 PM
by gregory

The question has been asked as to whether Ernest Wood ever made any comments 
on the allegations regarding Leadbeater. I do not know of any in Wood's 
published work - but it has been a long time since I read some of his more 
obscure writings (e.g. "The Rt Revd C.W. Leadbeater" in "Eirenicon", Autumn, 

However, Wood engaged in correspondence with E.L. Gardner on the subject. 
Gardner had sent Wood copies of his privately published commentaries on 
Leadbeater and the allegations (including "The Liberal Catholic Church and the 
Theosophical Society" and "The Rev. C.W. Leadbeater"), both circulated to a 
small number of Gardner's friends in 1966. Wood's correspondence includes his 
views on Gardner's material

Gardner also engaged in correspondence on the subject with Boriz de Zirkoff, 
and provided de Zirkhoff with additional material which Gardner considered too 
sensitive to be included even in the works he privately distributed (including 
claims relating to the occult use of semen by Leadbeater).I know of no 
published reference to this material other than my own PhD thesis. Perhaps 
someone knows what happened to the original correspondence left by Gardner and 

Reverting to a former discussion regarding the "Seven Rays", an important 
source is Ernest Wood's "The Seven Rays" in "Australian EST Bulletin", 
January, February, March and April, 1925.

Dr Gregory Tillett


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