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Re: Theos-World Conditions after death differ

Jun 14, 2005 01:56 PM
by krishtar

Thanks for writing
Do our personalities stay in astral when we die or there is a great separation as KH says in MH to AP Sinett?
Leadbeater explanations are diferent, opposite.
KH in one letter wrote: " .."There can be no conscious meeting in Kamaloka hence no grief. . . . in Kamaloka there is as a rule (apart from vicarious life and consciousness awakened through contact with medium) no recognitionof friends or relatives. . . . We meet those we loved only in Devachan. . . ."
And Leadbeater wrote that it is a definite fact that the ties of affectionare still as strong as ever, and so the moment the man is freed from the chains of his physical encasement he naturally seeks the company of those whom he loves...." 
One is similar to Allan Kardec�s and the other is A Mahatma non dual view.
Are you fond of spiritism, Anand?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Anand Gholap 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Conditions after death ( AnandGholap.Net -OnlineTheosophy)

--- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...> wrote:
> A friend of mine asked the following:
> If we develop our astral senses can we contact our passed loved 

Yes, but it depends on to what level proficiency occultist has in 
dealing with astral plane things. 

Anand Gholap

> Krishtar
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Anand Gholap 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 12:38 PM
> Subject: Theos-World Conditions after death ( AnandGholap.Net -
Online Theosophy)
> [ - Online Books on Theosophy ]
> " The state of affairs found as actually existing is much more 
rational than most of the current theories. It is not found that any 
sudden change takes place in man at death, or that he is spirited 
away to some heaven beyond the stars. On the contrary, man remains 
after death exactly what he was before it - the same in intellect, 
the same in his qualities and powers; and the conditions in which he 
finds himself are those which his own thoughts and desires have 
already created for him. There is no reward or punishment from 
outside, but only the actual result of what the man himself has done 
and said and thought while here on earth. In fact, the man makes his 
bed during earth life and afterwards he has to lie on it!  
> This is the first and most prominent fact - that we have not here 
a strange new life, but a continuation of the present one. We are not 
separated from the dead, for they are here about us all the time. The 
only separation is the limitation of our consciousness, so that we 
have lost, not our loved ones, but the power to see them. It is quite 
possible for us to raise our consciousness, that we can see them and 
talk with them as before, and all of us constantly do that, though we 
only rarely remember it fully. A man may learn to focus his 
consciousness in his astral body while his physical body is still 
awake, but that needs special development, and in the case of the 
average man would take much time. But during the sleep of his 
physical body every man uses his astral vehicle to a greater or 
lesser extent, and in that way we are daily with our departed 
friends. Sometimes we have a partial remembrance of meeting them, and 
then we say we dreamt of them; more frequently we have no 
recollection of such encounters and remain ignorant that they have 
taken place. Yet it is a definite fact that the ties of affection are 
still as strong as ever, and so the moment the man is freed from the 
chains of his physical encasement he naturally seeks the company of 
those whom he loves. So that in truth the only change is that he 
spends the night with them instead of the day, and he is conscious of 
them astrally instead of physically. "
> Complete book can be read at
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