Jun 11, 2005 10:07 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
>From C.W. Leadbeater's THE MASTERS AND THE PATH:
It is necessary at this point, if we are to understand at all this
part of the work of the Masters, to digress a little and say
something of what is meant by the Seven Rays. This is a matter of
considerable difficulty. Long ago we received some information, very
incomplete certainly, but still very valuable, about these Rays. I
remember well the occasion on which it was given to us. Mr. Cooper-
Oakley and I and a Hindu brother were sitting talking on the roof at
Adyar in the very early days, when there was only the one
headquarters house and twenty-nine acres of half-jungle behind it;
and there came to us suddenly the Master Djwal Kul, who was at that
time the chief pupil of the Master Kuthumi. He gave us a great deal
of teaching in those days, and was always very kind and patient, and
while He sat and talked to us that day this question of the Rays
came up. Mr. Cooper-Oakley in his characteristic way said: "Oh,
please, Master, will you tell us all about the Rays?"
There was a twinkle in our Teacher' s eye as He said: "Well, I
cannot tell you all about them until you have reached a very high
Initiation. Will you have what I can tell you, which will be partial
and inevitably misleading, or will you wait until you can be told
the whole thing?" Not unnaturally we thought that half a loaf was
better than no bread, so we said we would take what we could get. We
noted down the very interesting information that He gave, but much
of it was incomprehensible to us, as He had foretold. He said: "I
cannot tell you any more than that, for I am bound by certain
pledges; but if your intuition can make out more I will tell you
whether you are right." Even that little fragmentary information
was of very great value to us.
The following Diagram 4 is the table of Rays and their
characteristics which He then gave to us:
It was explained that the religion written opposite each Ray is not
to be taken as necessarily a perfect exposition of it, but is simply
that which now remains on earth as a relic of the last occasion on
which that Ray exercised dominant influence on the world. The Magic
of the First Ray and the characteristics of the Seventh were not
given, we may imagine the first to be kriyashakti and the second to
be co-operation with the Deva kingdom. The meaning of the Birth of
Horus could not be explained, but one of the characteristics of the
Fourth Ray was stated to be the use of the forces of action and
interaction-- the male and female forces of nature, as it were.
Whenever phallicism occurs in the various religions, it is always
due to a materialization and misconception of some of the secrets
connected with this Ray. The true development of the Seventh Ray
would be communication with and instruction from the higher Devas.
[Table deleted in this posting]
....After what I have said above it should be clear that the
information that has as yet reached us about the Rays is
fragmentary. It is not only not a full account of the subject, but
it is not even a perfect outline, for we were plainly told that
there were huge gaps in the description given to us, which could not
possibly be filled up till much later. So far as we know, very
little has hitherto been written on this subject, and that little so
guardedly expressed as not to be at all readily intelligible, and
occult teachers are markedly reticent when questioned about it.¹
¹ While the first edition of this book was passing through the
press an important work on the subject appeared-- The Seven Rays, by
Professor Ernest Wood. The material which it gives is illuminative
and is presented from quite a new angle.
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