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Re: Fast arrival to devachan???

Jun 11, 2005 00:28 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev

> --- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell" wrote:
> Konstantin,
> But does the KEY TO THEOSOPHY passage you quote above
> actually tell us about the "fast arrival to devachan"?

It seems to me that HPB clearly defines a period before devachan
as several days. Anyway, be it several days or even months, it is
out of all proportion less than alleged stay in devachan which is
defined (in average) as more than 1000 years. It seems not very
logical, for during the earth life the desire principle plays equal, 
if not much greater part than the mind principle.
Moreover, it contradicts to the Tibetan practice of finding
reincarnations over just several years (which is proved by
identification of his old things by a candidate) and to accounts of
many people who remember their past lives, as collected by Ian
Stevenson. Moreover, it seems from these accounts that it's the
personality who reincarnates, as spiritualists of Kardec school
taught, not the higher self, for the children retain quite personal
attitude to former relatives, enemies and friends, and even to their
former social position. So ovbiously the same "Smiths" and
"Browns" reincarnate.


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