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Re: Theos-World Re: [Blavatsky_Study] Greetings.

May 24, 2005 07:11 AM
by Mark Hamilton Jr.

> Hi all,
> Can some one out there with computer experience, please explain to me, how,although banned from the above subject group, I am receiving, messages from members of that group

They might have just prohibited you from posting your messages, or
they may have just *said* they banned you but really did not. Have you
tried manually unsubscribing from-or posting messages to-the group?

> How does a website generate its funds?
Advertising, donations, selling products, selling e-mail addresses of
their subscribers (not all places do this, just the dishonest ones),
and having "partnerships" to refer people to other related sites.
Advertising by itself is usually not enough to maintain a website.
When someone makes one, they usually have their own reliable source of
income and they host it using their own hardware.

> Do advertisers pay for space? 

Yes, matter of fact you can sign up for advertising
service. You just display a list of links on your web page and they
will pay you per click. It requires a lot of website visitors in order
to be effective, though.

> Do links pay for space?

Usually not, unless it's a partnership link or an advertisement.

> Do the web search engines get paid? 

Yes, by advertising and selling their services. even sells
their server racks and software to large businesses.

> Why do adults need to be moderated?

Adults can be extremely childish at times. This is the Internet SC theory:
Normal Person + Internet + Anonymity = Complete idiot

> If the internet is going to be a real "think tank" I believe that the delete button should be in the hands of the individual and not handed over toa self appointed authority on the subject.

The moderator sometimes defines the quality of the group. Usually a
good moderator will filter out the truly bad people in the group who
are acting maliciously. If a group is too active or too inactive, it
may easily be as ineffective as people who are constantly flaming and
picking on one another.

An unjust moderator combined with a large group dynamic will create an
unfair group that is blind to what's going on around them.

-Mark H.

> nhcareyta <> wrote:
> Dear Carl and all
> Greetings from Perth, Australia.
> Firstly, thank you for this discussion group and for maintaining its
> focus on the writings of HPB and her Masters. Thank you also for
> writing so clearly that whether HPB was right or wrong in her
> pronouncements is inconsequential as regards the actual nature of
> this group. Too often, those of us who focus on her and her teachers'
> works as our starting and comparison point are
> branded "fundamentalists" or "blind devotees." Nothing could be
> further from the truth, however it seems no amount of words can
> explain this subtlety to some.
> That said, in a posting to another group I wrote recently:
> "In saying that, and at the risk of annoying others by repeating
> myself yet again, this does not mean to me that HPB, or her Mahatmas
> for that matter, were/are all knowing beings. (They were the first to
> denounce that perspective) It is merely saying that for me, she and
> they have demonstrated an enormously profound grasp of the occult
> science of our dimension of existence, which only deep and continued
> study and practice, of the mind and heart, can hope to begin to
> apprehend."
> Carl, you wrote:
> "There are several Blavatsky groups online, and I have visited most
> of them. I was astonished to find how HPB has been used to promote
> all kinds of notions - New Age, neo-theosophy, spiritualism,
> Christian sacramentalism, etc."
> It is for this and other reasons that a number of us left one of the
> Theosophical Societies and established an HPB/Mahatmas (hers!) study
> centre for which we gave the name Theosophical Academy. We chose this
> name because nothing short of continued deep study and contemplation
> of their works can hope to uncover the pathway to insight into their
> version of the genuine mysteries of existence in this dimension. So
> often, students read a little, assume a lot and begin to misrepresent
> and misquote her and their teachings.
> Your recent posting, highlighting the inaccuracy of assuming HPB
> wrote from a monist perspective, (Blake's and others' visions and
> experiences that body and soul are identical etc) is of fundamental
> importance from a philosophical and occult perspective. As you wrote,
> she made clear distinctions between body and soul, as she did between
> Parabrahman and perceptual existence (Mulaprakriti through Mahat):
> "To know itself or oneself, necessitates consciousness and perception
> (both limited faculties in relation to any subject except Parabrahm),
> to be cognized. Hence the "Eternal Breath which knows itself not."
> Infinity cannot comprehend Finiteness. The Boundless can have no
> relation to the bounded and the conditioned." (S.D. Stanza 2.)
> She also spoke strongly against her/their version of Theosophy as
> validating the philosophical position of subjective idealism, where
> all is merely a projection of mind. (Modern Idealism, Worse Than
> Materialism. [The Theosophist, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, October, 1896, pp.
> 9-12] [Collected Writings Vol 8]
> These and many other points bring to mind a phrase "Theosophy is
> everything, but not everything is Theosophy."
> Finally and once again, her and their teachings may or may not be
> entirely accurate, but they at least deserve the greatest respect and
> the deepest study as they are clearly the most profound and expansive
> rendition of Theosophy to date.
> Thank you again for your work as moderator of this most important
> group. It will be my pleasure to participate as time permits.
> Best wishes
> Nigel Carey
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Mark Hamilton Jr.

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