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Re: Theos-World Re: Members of Adyar TS should be protected from fundamentalists

May 20, 2005 01:08 AM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 05/18/05 3:21:16 PM, writes:

>Here is information about fundamentalism from
>A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a 
>return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those 
>principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to 

Sounds more like Adyar to me. I never figured theosophy, as given out 
originally in the Secret Doctrine, justifying any sort of an "organized religion".  

How does Adyar's "THEOLOGICAL" principles have anything to do with the 
fundamental principles of theosophical occultism?  

Since when has the original Masters and HPB's teaching of theosophy been in 
opposition to secularism? Obviously, this definition has nothing to do with 
the occult principles of theosophy that have no basis in theological or 
personality worshipping Christian-like dogmas -- such as promugated by someleading 
members of the Adyar TS.  

Isn't the only fundamentalist religion claiming falsely to be theosophical, 
the theological writings of Leadbeater that turned a basically impersonal 
occultism into a personal God based religious dogma (Liberal Catholic Church) with 
a messianic, hierarchical leadership -- that goes directly against the 
"fundamental principles" of occultism -- that are the basis of ALL valid theosophical 
teachings since Hermes Trismagistus symbolically encoded them on the Emerald 

What do these fundamental principles, that came before any organized 
religion, have to do with the fundamental theological principles of pseudo theosophy 
promoted by Leadbeater, Besant and Bailey, etc., which according to your 
dogmatic beliefs "proves " that that both Blavatsky and the Masters were wrong? How 
were they wrong? In what way were they wrong? (I don't expect any answers 
here, since you said earler that you never studied the Secret Doctrine. :-)Is 
that the way Adyar promulgates "open inquiry" -- which you said was one of 
their policies?

It should be noted that the fundamental principles of occultism was given out 
in the Proem -- which came before the Cosmogenesis exposed in the Book of 
Dzyan and commented on in the main body of the SD. These principles, as the 
basis of all occultism since ancient times, could never justify a messianic, 
personal God, religious dogma.

As for the Secret Doctrine... If one understands how to read it in an around 
the words and between the lines using all its typographical hints -- in 
contrast to the dead letter interpretation made by Besant (with the brainwashing 
help of Leadbeater), and test them both against the three fundamental principles 
of ancient occultism -- it will become perfectly obvious that Besant's aim was 
to turn Adyar theosophists into an organized religion similar to her 
Christian upbringing. That's what I call "fundamentalism" -- not the use of 
Fundamental Principles as a test of theosophical (i.e., impersonal metaphysical) Truths 

>often Fundamentalism An organized, militant Evangelical movement 
>originating in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th 
>century in opposition to Protestant Liberalism and secularism, 
>insisting on the inerrancy of Scripture. 
>Adherence to the theology of this movement. 
>funda·mental·ist adj. & n. 
>funda·mental·istic adj. 
>n : the interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal 
>truth "

This describes the "dead letter reading" of Besant's translations of 
Blavatsky's and the Masters' works. As well as the blind acceptance of Leadbeater's 
theological writings by students of Adyar.  

HPB's writing of metaphysical secrets cannot be read in its dead letter.  
Therefore there cannot be a "literal truth" in her texts -- except maybe for 
students just starting out with no understanding of the way it has to be read and 
mentally (or diagrammatically) envisioned.  

>>From this you can see how fundamentalism has risen in Theosophical 
>circles and it is extremely important to understand causes of it 
>because people associated with Theosophy are involved in it.

Yes, and my questions and clarifications of your assertions helps us 
understand where the religious fundamentalism lies and where the real occultism rests 
-- that has no truck with organized religions based on theologically cookedup 
personal Gods and Messiahs, Bishops and Priests.

Leon Maurer

>Anand Gholap

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