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May 18, 2005 05:46 PM
by Cass Silva

Hi Morten,
I am not sure what you mean. My post is just a personal observation that I welcome objective criticism, which usually appears as confrontational to the sender and/or the receiver. 
I do not agree with the confrontational bumbo jumbo (trolling) which relates to personal identity rather than rational discussion.

"M. Sufilight" <> wrote:
I thought I was writing about the motives with ones OWN writings or other 
kinds of activities
and not the content of what one receives.

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cass Silva" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 2:58 AM

> Hi Sufilight
> I, for one, enjoy being confronted, providing the confrontation has 
> context, it forces me to re-look at my accepted belief system and 
> sometimes I may re-think it, or sometimes just sit back on my haunches.
> Either way, without confrontation on spiritual matters, we never learn to 
> think for ourselves.
> Regards
> Cass
> "M. Sufilight" wrote:
> Hallo all,
> Here is a short story on irrelevant emailing...hostility and the like...
> :-)
> One could ask what I think about people who confront me.
> Confrontation as a form of behaviour can best be understood by looking at 
> it in conjunction with its opposite support: support. People Who want to 
> confront someone, and also those who have a strong desire to support 
> anyone, very often do so because they have a desire for self-assertion 
> which is not finding any other Outlet.
> It is for this reason that people who imagine that they are gentle, 
> relaxed or benign feel a need to confront or support. It is most usually a 
> matter of the underlying aggressiveness finding An 'acceptable' outlet. 
> This is well known to ancient as well as modern psychologists; though less 
> well understood by other people, if they look at the apparent reason for 
> support or opposition, not at the mainspring of it.
> The problem of making this clear is not eased by the fact that, Since the 
> desire to oppose, for instance, is so strong (it is an Appette seeking 
> satisfaction) one can generally not reason with the sufferer.
> Vanity and self-importance, if denied other outlets or if Suppressed and 
> not correctly refined to vanishing-point, will further fuel this desire to 
> attack or support.
> The phenomenon is strongly marked in religious circles Where the teaching 
> has not acted correctly upon the individual or the group. People who, for 
> reasons of misapplied modesty training have been denied self-expression in 
> a way which will Provide socially acceptable outlets, are especially prone 
> to this ailment. Is also occurs throughout history (with a wide 
> geographical Distribution) among those who feel that they have been 
> rejected by a source of authority.
> Theosophical teachers who have been unable to accept particular pupils 
> have often been targets for this behaviour: it is a version of the 'sour 
> grapes' behaviour of the fable in such instances. It is usually more 
> harmful to whoever suffers from it than for the target, because the 
> misapplied emotion activates all kinds of desires for power, envy and 
> eventually results in unbalance. Such unbalanced people, oddly enough, 
> often influence others quite strongly until they start to crack up. This 
> gives us the emotional cults which most people now know about.
> This problem is one reason why Theosophical teaching tries to allow 
> self-expression while the lements of vanity are being refined.
> Morten Sufilight
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