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Re: Theos-World sugestion to Mark

May 16, 2005 02:34 PM
by Mark Hamilton Jr.

I will take a look at it, I've just been a bit tired from work lately.

I have been writing in a leather-bound journal of my experiences with
occultism and things I've experienced. If I do ever get through my
initiation successfully, I'll be sure to make it available to future
aspiring adepts.

Thanks for the heads up,
-Mark H.

On 5/14/05, krishtar <> wrote:
> Hi Mark
> I was wandering around many old theos-sites in some old email lists and found out a special number of Online Journal High Country Theosophist in which there is a brief autobio of Franz Hartmann, in which I gess he explainsa little of his mystical path and I gess it is always worth of reading because many common points may happen between our path and those who started first.
> I read just the beginning of this article and I wonder if if itīs of any good info. for you, in the awakening.
> Tell me what you think if you can read it., itīll be welcome,
> Regards
> Your friend Krishtar
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Mark Hamilton Jr.

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