Re: Theos-World Wild & Fanciful Speculation, Mistakes & Erroneous Notions about Theosophy
May 14, 2005 07:39 AM
by krishtar
Dan wrote:
"...How would a present day student
determine what is a correct notion
of Theosophy as opposed to a erroneous
notion of Theosophy?
It seems to me that these questions
and similar ones should be pondered
by serious students of Theosophy...."
Krishtar tries:
I think the best form to check the corrections were right is to male a paralel study of some ancient fountains such as Dhamapada,Vivekachudamani, and many other works which origins are lost in time and space but originally transferred to us mortals by the first gret inicites and many other used for references to create these magnificent works.
Masters and HPB did not invent anything but extracted from the ageless wisdom from the great initiates.
We can have access to some if we are dilligent and applied enough.
One may compare their original teachings with some of the fountains they used and avaiable to us nowadays and also amplify and widen our compreension of the limited amount of wisdom/knowledge they were able to register under book forms.
When we deeply study SD and ML, as well as the transactions from the lodges and some other records we are encouraged to look further and continue our studies and comparisons, for the mere reading and even memorization of many parts from these great works is obviously not enough for our evolving.
This path would only lead us to more food for the mind and more data, increasing, thikenning the limits for the object of life, which is the realization of the divine.
At the end we raise another point: What are we here for in this so chaotic world if not to realise the divine from which all derives from?
The rest is just delusion, pal.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel H. Caldwell
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: Theos-World Wild & Fanciful Speculation, Mistakes & Erroneous Notions about Theosophy
During the early and mid 1880s, A.P. Sinnett and
several other Theosophists had written various
expositions of the Theosophical teachings. HPB
in "The Secret Doctrine" stated quite forcefully
that they had indulged in "wild and fanciful
"The publication of many of the facts herein stated
has been rendered necessary by the wild and fanciful
speculation in which many Theosophists and students
of mysticism have indulged, during the last few
years, in their endeavour to, as they imagined,
work out a complete system of thought from the
few facts previously communicated to them."
S.D., original edition, Vol I, p. viii
And Master K.H. in his August 1888 letter to
Olcott had also written on this same subject:
"I have also noted, your thoughts about the
'Secret Doctrine.' Be assured that what she
[HPB] has not annotated from scientific and
other works, we have given or suggested to her.
Every mistake or erroneous notion, corrected
and explained by her from the works of other
theosophists was corrected by me, or under
my instruction. It is a more valuable work
than its predecessor, an epitome of occult
truths that will make it a source of information
and instruction for the earnest student for l
ong years to come. . . ." Letters from the
Masters of the Wisdom, Series I, p. 47
Surely one can safely conclude that
both Blavatsky and KH believed that
expositions of Theosophy could contain
"wild and fanciful speculation" and
mistakes and erroneous notions.
Notice that both Blavatsky and KH
thought that the wild speculations and
erroneous notions were important enough
that they called attention to them
and even made corrections.
Surely one of the implications of their
statements is that they possessed the
genuine teaching. And that they were
in a position where they could call
not only attention to the erroneous
ideas but could even give corrections.
Were Blavatsky and KH setting
up dogmas and infallible revelations?
Therefore can one not reasonably conclude that
since the 1880s when Blavatsky and
KH made those statements, there have
probably been other books on Theosophy
which have given out wild and fanciful
speculation and erroneous notions on
How would a present day student
determine what is a correct notion
of Theosophy as opposed to a erroneous
notion of Theosophy?
It seems to me that these questions
and similar ones should be pondered
by serious students of Theosophy.
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