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Thin Oblong Squares, Judge, Besant, Tingley, Crosbie

May 14, 2005 07:18 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Below is an interesting posting from

Andrew gave me his okay to post it to



From: "kyuseiki" <kyuseiki@y...> 
Date: Wed Aug 4, 2004 3:52 pm 
Subject: Thin Oblong Squares

There was a post from a few years back on 
another list about the use of the word oblongs 
as a substitute for the words oblong squares in
Since I did not have the opportunity to respond 
to the debate then I will take the opportunity
to respond to it now.

It seems that among Theosophists it has always 
been open season on the original writings of 
Madame Blavatsky. Annie Besant apparently changed
the reference to Pratyeka Buddhas in the 
original edition of the VOICE and William Q. Judge 
apparently changed the reference to "thin oblong
squares" as well. It strikes me as oddly 
appropriate that both Besant and Judge would 
tamper with the VOICE as this represents the 
essence of the Mahayana path and the heart doctrine. 
I say it is odd because both AB and WQJ fell under 
glamours from Leadbeater and Tingley
respectively and led the Theosophical 
movement into Hinduism on the one hand and 
Western Occultism on the other hand.

Anyway, "oblong squares" is not a meaningless or nonsensical term. It
is a precise technical term. The fact that Judge did not know this 
and felt at liberty to edit these words suggests that (a) he was 
under a glamour and (b) he had no real knowledge of or familiarity 
with Tibetan Buddhism. Or perhaps he disdained it.

For example, the leaves of the psidia lithospermifolia are described
as oblong elliptical, while the leaves of the eucalyptus albida are
called elliptical oblong. Supernovae results are identified as oblong
ellipses while floating point arithmetic employs oblong triangles.
Horses often have dapples or oblong circles on them. Nanamageri
appetizers are cut on the diagonal into oblong circles while tamago
yaki nabe omelets are formed as oblong squares. Mahogany panels are
likewise cut into oblong squares. So oblong squares, oblong 
triangles, oblong circles are not meaningless, nonsensical terms. 
Many more examples could be given.

Most importantly, Tibetan books (pecha) are OBLONG SQUARE in shape 
and consist of loose leaves sometimes found on metal discs. "Oblong
square" in this instance means that the edges of the loose leaves are
actually sharp corners ("squared off") rather than rounded ends.

What is the mania with changing the writings of HPB? If it is already
published, leave it alone and append footnotes if there are doubts or
questions. Have an annotated version but do not change the words.

Also I read an article about the way in which Robert Crosbie of the
ULT seemed to revise the nature of his connection with Mrs. Tingley
who was by all accounts an able and gifted administrator and 
organizer and (it would seem) a witch. These are not mutually 
contradictory as there are many people who are gifted administrators 
and public speakers who are also accomplished in bending others to 
their will. In any event, it is obvious that Mr. Crosbie fell under 
the glamour of Mrs. Tingley, then realized how deluded he had let 
himself become, and decided to revise the nature of his relationship 
with her in order to "save face." He did not want people to know 
that he was spiritually weak enough to be pulled in by such pranks, 
so he presented the story of how he knew at the outset that she was 
a medium and not to be trusted. The account of the whole affair is 
hilarious to read -- of HPB "communicating" through Tingley, of 
Tingley "bringing through" the "Rajah" (Judge), it all sounds so 
pathetic and delusional that one has to laugh at it. But of course 
it is all the working out of karma.



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