Don't blame Anand!
May 11, 2005 03:07 PM
by kpauljohnson
Dear Krishtar,
I am rather startled by your idea that the "strange and tense
atmosphere" at theos-talk is attributable to Anand Gholap. As one
who has been here off and on from the beginning, I can assure you
that the strangeness and tension did not start with Anand.
For me the strangest and most tense phase of all was the recent
behavior of thalprin, who at the end was posting up to ten or more
personal attacks in a row, on the same individual, named in the
header. I did not notice *anyone* objecting to this horribly
destructive behavior, only to the frequency and insubstantiality of
her posts. (And then only vaguely and indirectly, which she used as
an opportunity to pretend that others were the problem.) My God,
this was a full-scale out-of-control hatemonger in your midst, and
y'all turned a blind eye just like Kitty Genovese's neighbors!
Why might that be? I figure that the odious practice of denouncing
people multiple times daily using their names in the headers is
like "broken windows." Once people notice that it is OK to break
windows, more and more windows get broken. It has been going on
here for years, but to my knowledge thalprin was the only person who
tried to outdo the originator of this bullying technique.
You wrote:
> Very oportune the excerpt you, Erica, send us, taken from the
HPB�s pen.
A passage that Theosophical fundamentalists NEVER bring up!
> I don�t have nothing against diferent pov�s but what I know is
that everybody find enormous difficulties in dealing with diferent
aproaches in a aplacid, pollite way, when the other part not uses
his sincerity and gives no supports for the opinions.
Not everybody! Most of us completely ignore the posts in question.
> Anand�s way of accusing and writing ugly things about HPB and
showing no support for his POV�s and even not answering, not
replying the great majority of posts is what creates this strange
and tense atmosphere, in my view.
Not so. Check the archives; things are better now than they have
been at various times in the past. I don't share Anand's opinions,
but think that he has been used as a punching bag here. It actually
turns my stomach to see someone treated this way. But since Pedro
came back I figured it might be worth resubscribing to see how long
the relatively calm atmosphere (relative to April's thalprinfest at
least) might last this time.
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