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May 09, 2005 05:06 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Dear Ramadoss and Nigel, Ramadoss writes:
Since most of the leadership belong to a pre-Internet generation I think they still do not understand Internet - the 800 lb gorilla in the living room -- and how it is not going to go away. With the coming generation growing up in the Internet culture, the organizations are going to be run over by the usage of Internet by the upcoming generation and we may see a totally different "organizational" environment with a total level field with no leader leading the followers just like a bunch of sheep.I believe that in spite the optimistic predictions, the fate of the Internet is still in the process of being determined. I notice that some of the very things which make the Internet great are also portents for its subversion into something else that is not so great. Its even playing field and lack of enforcibility may be ideal for "free speech." On the other hand, those same characteristics allow for spamming, computer viruses, and trolling in discussion groups. My guess is that the likly issue which will bring about the development of technology for and the passing of legislation to control the Internet will either be public outrage over pronography, or fear about its potential use for terrorism. However, the real forces which will put controls over the Internet will have to do with corporate interest in its profit potential.
Moreover, where the "politics" are sufficiently dishonourable, how does one in good conscience continue to support an organisation which continues to support such hypocrisy, whose motto is "There is no religion higher than Truth. And would one really wish to attract people to such an organisation in the name of Theosophy?We wrestled with that one too. The solution we found was to organize our own study groups, classes and conferences independently of the Organizations. We just study Theosophy without politics. Last year, a couple of our members got curious and looked up Theosophy on the Internet. They learned about the organizations and camps and decided that they were going to go to Far Horizons Theosophical Camp in the Sierras. We said "great! You'll love it there." They sent for a schedule. To their disappointment, they saw nothing on the schedule which they considered "Theosophy." Lots of new age stuff, but they didn't care about that. So they ended up not going to the camp.
Best wishes
Noticing the pattern of absence of officials of organizations in maillists one can only come to the conclusion you mentioned.
In addition, there *appears* to be a subtle attempt to ensure that even the followers do not become aware of the maillists which are not controlled (censored) by the organization. Several years ago, when theos-L, the first maillist was launched, I became aware of it through a casual conversation with a theosophist. In those days the search engines were very primitive and were not of much help.
When I inquired the TS organization about the maillist, I could not get any info on theos-l even though the organization was fully aware of theos-l and the subscription details -- like when you are in legal deposition, if you do not ask the right question you will not get the right info even though the responder is fully aware of the information the questioner was seeking. Subsequently during a long distance tele-conversation with a theosophist 2,000 miles away I found the info about theos-l and the kind person faxed me the subscription details.
Since most of the leadership belong to a pre-Internet generation I think they still do not understand Internet - the 800 lb gorilla in the living room -- and how it is not going to go away. With the coming generation growing up in the Internet culture, the organizations are going to be run over by the usage of Internet by the upcoming generation and we may see a totally different "organizational" environment with a total level field with no leader leading the followers just like a bunch of sheep.
The particular Board member who once chose to post a msg here appears to be a newbee. While his ideal intentions are laudable, he cannot not be independent since it appears he is an *employee* of TSA; if he want to be independent it may cost his job. So I do not expect to see him again on this list. But miracles do take place -- who knows.
At 02:50 PM 05/08/05 -0700, Jerry Hejka-Ekins wrote:
Providing the average member owns a computer and has an interest in internet discussion groups. Yet, even the minority who do so, are only addressing each other. Notice also, that the Management of the Theosophical organizations do not participate in these discussions. One Board member made a post a few months ago, and we never hear from again. No doubt someone had a talk with him. TSA officials are discouraged from this kind of activity. Their participation would level the playing field--i.e. they would risk losing control of the rhetoric.