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Part VII: Are Koot Hoomi & Morya "fundamentalists"?

May 07, 2005 04:31 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Are Masters Koot Hoomi and Morya "fundamentalists" 
when they tell us what they do in the following
four extracts?

"Vainly do your modern seers and their prophetesses, 
creep into every cleft and crevice without outlet 
or continuity they chance to see; and still more 
vainly, when once within do they lift up their 
voices and loudly cry: 'Eureka! We have gotten a 
revelation from the Lord!' — for verily have they 
nothing of the kind. They have disturbed but bats, 
less blind their intruders; who, feeling them 
flying about, mistake them as often for angels — 
as they too have wings! . . . "   

Master Koot Hoomi, The Mahatma Letters, 2nd ed., Letter 48 

"[Salig Ram is] -- a truly good man -- yet a 
devotee of another error. Not his guru's voice 
-- his own. The voice of a pure, unselfish, 
earnest soul, absorbed in misguided, 
misdirected mysticism. Add to it a chronic 
disorder in that portion of the brain which 
responds to clear vision and the secret is 
soon told: that disorder was developed by 
forced visions; by hatha yog and prolonged 
asceticism. S. Ram is the chief medium and 
at same time the principal magnetic factor, 
who spreads his disease by infection -- 
unconsciously to himself; who innoculates 
with his vision all the other disciples. . . . "

"Unless regularly initiated and trained -- 
concerning the spiritual insight of things and 
the supposed revelations made unto man in all 
ages from Socrates down to Swedenborg . . . no 
self-tutored seer or clairaudient ever saw or 
heard quite correctly."  

Master Morya, The Mahatma Letters, 2nd ed., Letter 40

"You cannot acquire psychic power until the causes of psychic 
debility are removed. . . . You have scarcely learned the elements 
of self-control in psychism. . . . Your vivid creative fancy 
[imagination] evokes illusive Gurus and chelas, and puts into their 
mouths words coined the instant before in the mint of your mind, 
unknown to yourself. The false appears as real, as the true, and you 
have no exact method of detection, since you are yet prone to force 
your communications to agree with your preconceptions." 

Master Koot Hoomi, "Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas," Letter 17 

"What have we, the disciples of the true Arhats, of esoteric 
Buddhism and of Sang-gyas to do with the Shasters and Orthodox 
Brahmanism? There are 100 of thousands of Fakirs, Sannyasis and 
Saddhus leading the most pure lives, and yet being as they are, on 
the path of error, never having had an opportunity to meet, see or 
even hear of us. Their forefathers have driven away the followers of 
the only true philosophy upon earth away from India and now, it is 
not for the latter to come to them but to them to come to us if they 
want us. Which of them is ready to become a Buddhist, a Nastika as 
they call us? None. Those who have believed and followed us have had 
their reward."

"Mr. Sinnett and Hume are exceptions. Their beliefs are no barrier 
to us for they have none. They may have had influences around them, 
bad magnetic emanations the result of drink, Society and promiscuous 
physical associations (resulting even from shaking hands with impure 
men) but all this is physical and material impediments which with a 
little effort we could counteract and even clear away without much 
detriment to ourselves." 

"Not so with the magnetism and invisible results proceeding from 
erroneous and sincere beliefs. Faith in the Gods and God, and other 
superstitions attracts millions of foreign influences, living 
entities and powerful agents around them, with which we would have 
to use more than ordinary exercise of power to drive them away. We 
do not choose to do so. We do not find it either necessary or 
profitable to lose our time waging war to the unprogressed 
Planetaries who delight in personating gods and sometimes well known 
characters who have lived on earth."

"There are Dhyan-Chohans and 'Chohans of Darkness,' not what they 
term devils but imperfect 'Intelligences' who have never been born 
on this or any other earth or sphere no more than the 'Dhyan 
Chohans' have and who will never belong to the "builders of the 
Universe," the pure Planetary Intelligences, who preside at every 
Manvantara while the Dark Chohans preside at the Pralayas. . . . so 
the light of the Dhyan Chohans and their pure intelligence is 
contrasted by the 'Ma-Mo Chohans' -- and their destructive 

"These are the gods the Hindus and Christians and Mahomed and all 
others of bigoted religions and sects worship; and so long as their 
influence is upon their devotees we would no more think of 
associating with or counteracting them in their work than we do the 
Red-Caps on earth whose evil results we try to palliate but whose 
work we have no right to meddle with so long as they do not cross 
our path."

Mahatma Morya, Mahatma Letters, 2nd ed., Letter 134


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