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The Lyre of Orpheus - John Baines

May 05, 2005 08:39 AM
by M. Sufilight

Hallo all,

I just came across the following forum 

It has its origins in a hermetic philosopher known as John Baines 

One of the threads in the forum starts like this:
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"Our bodies are like the Lyre of Orpheus. When a person vibrates positively, it is a pleasure to be near someone like this. The sounds that come off of our bodies are vibrations." 

"Why would a person prefer to see a scary movie instead of a pleasant one? This is a strange phenomenon. It is the same reason why people have negative thoughts, why they hate, envy . inside is something morbid that takes them there."

"The fears of a person are also internal vibrations. The thing most feared is what a person usually encounters. Women who believe men are liars meet men who are liars. It is easier to attract with fears than desires as fears have a stronger vibration and force."

"Vibration is the key to changing one's life - to change to wealth if one is poor, to change to success if one is failing, to change to love if one is feeling hate."

>From a Talk by John Baines
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M. Sufilight

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