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Did W.Q. Judge himself believe that the messages were from the dead HPB?

May 05, 2005 00:27 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Dear [name deleted],

Whether the text of the alleged messages from the
deceased HPB "sounds" mediumistic or not is really not
the main issue. 

The important question to ask is:

Did W.Q. Judge himself believe that the messages were
from the dead HPB?

In his short letter to Dr. Keightley and the other
E.S.T. Councillors in England, Judge wrote:

"Enclosed is an exact transcript of what HPB said to
me Jany 3 [1895]. . . . "

Quoted from:

And in his letter written the next day to Mrs.
Tingley, Judge wrote:

"She [the deceased HPB] was right in saying, as she
did today, that she did not mean to exclude the rest
of Europe and that those now in the work in Spain had
not used all efforts. They have not."

Quoted from:

You ask: Did these messages from HPB come thru Mr.
Judge or Mrs. Tingley? 

This is not so clearly answered based on the available
evidence. . . . 

But whether the messages were channeled thru Mrs.
Tingley or thru Mr. Judge or by some other method,
Judge believed the messages came from the dead HPB and
Judge even sent extracts from some of these messages
to the E.S.T. Council in England as shown in Judge's
letter to Archibald.

Judge also allowed extracts from these HPB messages to
be read at a New York E.S.T. meeeting in early 1895.

In the E.S.T. Circular of April 3, 1896, we read:

"In a long message received by him [Judge] from
H.P.B., extracts from which were read at a general
E.S.T. meeting in New York about a year ago, these
being at the same time sent to the Advisory Council in
London. . . "

Quoted from:

Does any of this help?


Daniel H. Caldwell


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