Re: Theos-World More common sense Re: Amand's "BESANT was real founder of TS. HPB's role was only symbolic"
May 02, 2005 05:11 AM
by Cass Silva
Dear Leon
This was the thread of the post sent to Anand by myself
So, you are saying that the Masters gave one teaching to HPB and an entirely different teaching to AB and CWL?
I guess some people would rather listen to the apostles than Jesus. Wasn't the apostles job to simplify it for those who weren't consciously ready for the true inner doctrine?
I was simply making the point to Anand,(sarcastically), that AB and CWL were not the founders of Theosophy as the Aposltles were not the founders of Jesus' Teaching. I meant no disrespect to Jesus or those who followed after him. Just drawing a parallel.
Cass wrote:
To Amand Gholap and all students of theosophy,
In a message dated 05/01/05 9:59:02 AM, writes:
>> I guess some people would rather listen to the apostles than
>> Wasn't the apostles job to simplify it for those who weren't
>> consciously ready for the true inner doctrine?
>> Writings of Besant and Leadbeater are their original. It is not derived
>> from Blavatsky's writing. In a sense Besant Leadbeater were like
>> Anand Gholap
More nonsense. This is typical of all the opinionated and illogical
statements made by you in the past months to every theosophical discussion or study
group that you could find who would allow your proselytizing letters to be
posted -- simply because you label the pseudo theosophical teachings of Besant and
Leadbeater as being "true theosophy." I think, if you correctly labeled them
as the "theological dogma of the Liberal Catholic Church," your letters would
have been rejected offhand.
To question your illogic in these letters... If the apostles came after Jesus
and "simplified" his teachings (read, changed it simplistically to suit their
own messianic religious beliefs, remember they were mostly, all Jews and
Jesus hinself was a Rabbi and Kabbalist) ... How can Besant and Leadbeater -- who
did the same with the teachings of Blavatsky, who came before them (and by
quoting the Masters, supposedly taught them everything they said they knew about
theosophy) -- be compared to Jesus? Makes no sense.
Incidentally, since Jesus, while a Hebrew Rabbi was also a member of the
Essene sect of the Nazarenes, his basic philosophy -- which was identical to the
esoteric metaphysics of Buddha as well as the Egyptian Kabbala -- disagreed
with the theological interpretation of the original Egyptian kabbalistic
teachings of Moses by the Pharisees, Sadducees and other Jewish sects... Most of which
interpretations were later accepted and further distorted [e.g.,
resurrection, vicarious atonement, an eye for an eye, etc.] by the founders of the
Christian Church.
Therefore, it seems in reality, the only ones that the later distorters of
HPB's original and true theosophical doctrine can be compared to, is Jesus'
later apostles -- who twisted his esoteric teachings in the same manner that AB
and CWL did HPB's to favor their theosophically false religion.
Their job, as you say, "was to simplify it for those who weren't consciously
ready for the true inner doctrine."
Doesn't that mean, any ignorant and gullible, already preconditioned
followers they could find who would believe in a carnalized messiah, hierarchical
rulers, along with a personal God figure -- so long as they were presented with an
irrefutable (since it confirmed their prior beliefs) "PSEUDO THEOSOPHY" that
might justify it?
I think the words "pseudo theosophy" doesn't even do it justice -- as both
Besant's and Leadbeater's teachings are actually nothing more than a contrived
theology (in conformity with Christian beliefs) backed up by a fundamentally
false metaphysics that in many details does not corform with the Three
Fundamental Principles of Theosophy -- which are the only true basic propositions of
ALL occult philosophy since the beginning of human thought.
Doesn't that make you and all your followers also those that are "not
consciously (meaning, intuitively and thoughtfully) ready for the true inner
doctrine" of theosophy... And, therefore, need to believe in and blindly follow those
later false teachers as their High Priests? If so, doesn't that make you
simply one of their proselytizing "Pastors"? If not, then why do you continue to
bash HPB (and by implication, her Masters), and refuse to allow your followers
to read the Secret Doctrine and compare the theosophical teaching of these
Masters with the pseudo theosophical teachings of the LCC's high Priest and
Priestess, Leadbeater and Besant?
Isn't it obvious that such a condition of blind belief makes all of you no
different from the blind believers of all the false Papist and priest-crafty
religions that all the Masters of theosophy, who were Blavatsky's direct
teachers, were dead set against?
So, how can you so illogically argue that BESANT and her mesmerizer,
LEADBEATER were the real founders of the TS, and by implication, also the agents of
the founders of the Theosophical Movement and its underlying true theosophy?
I hope all prospective and present students of theosophy will consider these
questions, as well as all those previously asked by Daniel Caldwell and
myself, as being important to be answered by you before accepting anything you say
about AB and CWL and their relationship to HPB and the Masters as being true or
not. Simplistic unreasonable and illogical assertions, as if they were
revelations from God, simply do not cut it.
In any case, I think that all the documents from the Masters and others
quoted by Daniel Caldwell has thoroughly refuted everything you have touted over
the past many months about the relation between the teachings of the Masters as
recorded through HPB, and those radically changed teachings of Besant and
Leadbeater claimed to be from the same Masters.
Leon Maurer
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