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re Theosophy, " just being," "middle way"

Apr 30, 2005 07:40 AM
by Mauri

Seems to me as if "just being" doesn't leave much room for anything other than "just being," or else how could it be "just being"... So Theosophy seems to me as if it's basically contradicting itself inasmuchas it's seen to promote "just being," yet might be seen to leave room for "Theosophical modeling," eg. But what I like about Theosophy is that it hasn't promoted a cult-like, black-and-white following after "just being" or anything else, having instead promoted a kind of "middle way" approach, as I tend to see it, by way of the Wisdom/Esoteric Tradition. I tend to see that kind of Tradition in contrast to Catholic, Pope-approved, totalitarian cults like Focolare, Neocatechumenate, etc, which are on record for having disaproved of intellectual activity and individual efforts towards the acquisition of wisdom.


PS For more about Catholic cults, see THE POPE'S ARMADA by Gordon Urquhart.

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