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Re: Theos-World Use of initials in Theosophical discussion

Apr 29, 2005 05:56 AM
by Mauri wrote:
I drive a Volvo Diesel. I read the Firestorm Homepage, years ago I even tried the Spitfire Plugs.
But I do think it is more than just a plug job, to get the air/fuel ratio

Some minor adjustments might be appropritate for those plugs to work, but my point here is that, if the info in Nexus and the web site is correct, then seems to me that those plugs could play an important role in reducing air pollution, among other things. What's that got to do with topics on this list? Well, if the info about corporations in the documentary THE CORPORATION is correct, then seems to me that new inventions that could play a crucial role in helping to make this planet more habitable could be swept under the carpet by large corporations that don't want competition and can affort to undermine inventions like that plug, eg. That kind of bullying on this planet doesn't sound to me like it might promote the kind of physical, mental, etc, environment that might promote things like wisdom and Theosophical studies. On the topic of Theosophy and bullying, another invention that might never see the light of day: a movie about HBP and her life, travels, adventures.

So I thought that if those FireStorm plugs turn out to be for real, then they might turn out to be a spark in the right direction, for a start.

^:-/ ...

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