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Re: The Fountain Source of Bart

Apr 21, 2005 11:35 PM
by M. Sufilight

Hallo Bart and all,

My views are:

So I understand you Bart, that you find the Muslims not to bea great root religion
and you think it to be a hybrid offshoot of Christianity with the tinge of Judaism ?
You with other words agree upon the below excerpt from the Alice A. Bailey book ?

An exceprt from that link is the following:
"Esoteric Psychology I; p. 167:

"...note chat this movement was started by a secret society which has [167]
existed in the world since the last period of seventh ray dominance in
Atlantean times.
Every great religion which arises is under the influence of one or other of
the rays, but it does not necessarily follow that each successive ray should
have a great far-reaching religion as its outcome. We have heard that
Brahmanism is the last great religion which arose under first ray influence;
we do not know what may have been the religion which was the outcome of the
last second ray period; but the Chaldean, the Egyptian and the Zoroastrian
religions may be taken as representing the third, the fourth, and the fifth
rays respectively. Christianity and probably Buddhism were the result of
sixth ray influence. Mohammedanism, which numbers so large a following, is
also under sixth ray influence, but it is not a great root religion, being a
hybrid offshoot of Christianity with the tinge of Judaism."

The Bailey books are not a balanced multicultural presentation on
The Bailey books leans heavily towards a Chrisitan outlook unto the
world. The consequences of this will show up in the present information

These words are important when we consider, that the pro-Bailey followers are heavily
involved in international politics at the United Nations.
It is especially important when we face the recent events of
war between Christian countries and a Muslims country -
and the resistance movement in Iraq.
Are they still unimportant to you Bart?

I understand you like this Bart:
So what is relevant to you is to ignore the cultural "westernized" bias which the Bailey
books promotes towards theosophical groups of a non-Bailey nature
and at the same time towards the United Nations.
Is this true?

- - -

A major aim with the Bailey books.
Theuy were (to little me) a DELIBERATE attempt to create
a spiritual impact upon a certain audience, so to make that audience be -
either - in Doubt about the Bailey books , Against the Bailey books or
taking them to Heart (often a culturally Christian dependent one :-)).

This has happened. Theosophical groups has been created belonging both
of the camps.
Interestingly is it also, that Today there are in the western countries more
pro-Bailey's than any other kinds of so-called Theosophists.
This I find to be of importance, - huge importance.

Because of this - there is and has been created a Karmic circle - around the
Bailey books and how the "followers" of these relate to them.
This karmic circle has now been growing to such (culturally biased or
culturally narrowminded) proportions, that many of the pro-Baileys will due
to Karma have to be
broken before further development - to many pro-Baileys (and perhaps also
anti-Baileys) can happen on a more global scale - and taking the importance
of theosophical teachings on a more World Wide cultural scale into account.
Do you not agree uppon that ?

M. Sufilight with his friend master Khidr...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bart Lidofsky" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World The Fountain Source of Modern Theosophy

M. Sufilight wrote:
Try for instance to read the following - and if
you are interested let me or others know your views on it:

a) The Bailey books are not a balanced multicultural presentation on
That, in and of itself, is not relevant to me. I believe that Theosophy
has many expressions, and should be explained in terms the receiver can
best understand.

b) The Bailey books leans heavily towards a Chrisitan outlook unto the
world. The consequences of this will show up in the present information
The aspect of this that I dislike is the "One True Path(tm)" point of
view, when most other Theosophical writers state that there are many, or
even an infinite number of paths.

e) Bailey groups are connected with work at The United Nations,
f) Because of that they are politically involved, and that on an
international level.
Blavatsky DID write that the Theosophical Society itself should not be
involved in politics, although individual Theosophists are encouraged to
do so. The exception is that it is within the realm of the Theosophical
Society to create greater understanding between adversaries. The U.N.
has the potential of doing this, but it has lost its way over the years.
A number of Baileyites that I know are working on ways of making the
organization more effective and relevant in today's world as a force for
increasing understanding.

Thanks for outlining your views, by the way.


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