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Apr 21, 2005 05:09 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Apl 21 2005

Dear K:

Here is as good as I could find: 

Note carefully

The 7 PRINCIPLES OF MAN are each subdivided into 7 so that each is in direct
rapport with the rest. 
[ Mystery of the 49 = 7 x 7 --- S D I 347; II 309 -- but this
refers more to the 49 "Globes" S D I 200 ]

Here are some good statements made by Theosophy:



The universe evolves from the unknown, on seven planes, and in
seven ways in all worlds. And this sevenfold differentiation
causes all the worlds of the universe, and the beings thereon, to
have a septenary constitution.

The divisions of the sevenfold universe may be laid down roughly
as: The Absolute, Spirit, Mind, Matter, Will, Akasa or AEther,
and Life. In place of "the Absolute" we can use the word "Space."
For "Space" is that which ever is, and in which all manifestation
must take place.

Our knowledge begins with differentiation, and all manifested
objects, beings, or powers are only differentiations of the Great

The most that can be said of the Absolute" is that IT
periodically differentiates itself, and periodically withdraws
the differentiated into itself. As to "the Absolute," we can do
no more than say IT IS. None of the Great Teachers of the School
ascribe qualities to "the Absolute," although all qualities exist
in It.

The first differentiation -- speaking metaphysically as to
time -- is Spirit, with which appears Matter and Mind. This is a
Unit, and, called the "Monad." [ In manifestation, it is a
triune Unity, consisting of: ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS, or, Spirit -
Wisdom - Mind] The Monad is held to be immortal throughout the
great life-cycle, whether Manvantara or Kalpa. It is the basis
for human Individuality.

The term "Akasa," taken from the Sanskrit, is used in place of
AEther, to properly designate that tenuous state of matter which
is now sometimes called "Ether" by modern science. Akasa is
produced from Matter and Spirit.

Will is the force of Spirit in action. And Life (Jiva) is a
resultant of the action of Akasa, moved by Spirit, upon Matter.

But the Matter here spoken of, is not that which is commonly
known as such. It is the Real Matter which is always invisible,
and has sometimes been called Primordial Matter. In the
Brahmanical system it is called "Mulaprakriti" (or "Root
Matter"). And it is sometimes referred to as "Maha-Buddhi." [In
considering this, one may think of an "atom" as essentially an
eternal, individualized field of electro-magnetic Force.
Physical material is condensed in and around it by attraction.
The formation of worlds, and the reincarnation of human Souls,
may be thought of in similar terms, and follow a similar

The ancient teaching always held, as is now admitted by Science,
that we see or perceive only the phenomena but not the essential
nature, cause or being of Matter.



Nearly everyone says he has a soul and a body, and there it ends.
What the soul is, and whether it is the real person or whether it
has any powers of its own, are not inquired into, the preachers
usually confining themselves to its salvation or damnation. And
by thus talking of it as something different from oneself, the
people have acquired an underlying notion that they are not souls
because the soul may be lost by them. From this has come about a
tendency to materialism causing men to pay more attention to the
body than to the soul, the latter being left to the tender
mercies of the priest of the Roman Catholics, and among
dissenters the care of it is most frequently put off to the dying
day. But when the true teaching is known it will be seen that the
care of the soul, which is the Self, is a vital matter requiring
attention every day, and not to be deferred without grievous
injury resulting to the whole man, both soul and body....


H. P. Blavatsky directly from the Great Lodge of
Initiates...places...the old doctrine [of seven-fold Man] before
western civilization. The classification is:

1. The Body, or Rupa. (physical form, molecules, cells)
2. Vitality, or Prana-Jiva. (Life principle)
3. Astral Body, or Linga-Sarira. (electro-magnetic form, atoms and
4. Animal Soul, or Kama-Rupa (Lower Manas & desires)
5. Human Soul, or Manas. (logic and ratiocination - (Higher manas)
6. Spiritual Soul, or Buddhi. (discrimination, intuition, wisdom)
7. Spirit, or Atma, (HIGHER SELF overshadows the other

The Sanskrit language has a wider sense than the English terms.
This classification stands to this day for all practical
purposes, but it is capable of modification and extension. For
instance, a later arrangement which places ASTRAL BODY second
instead of third in the category does not substantially alter it.
It at once gives an idea of what man is, very different from the
vague description by the words "body and soul," and also boldly
challenges the materialistic conception that mind is the product
of brain, a portion of the body.

No claim is made that these principles were hitherto unknown, for
they were all understood in various ways not only by the Hindus
but by many Europeans. Yet the compact presentation of the
sevenfold constitution of man in intimate connection with the
septenary constitution of a chain of Globes through which the
being evolves, had not been given out...

Considering these constituents in another manner, we would say
that the lower man is a composite being, but in his real nature
is a unity, or immortal being, comprising a trinity of Spirit,
Discernment, and Mind which requires four lower mortal
instruments or vehicles through which to work in matter and
obtain experience from Nature.

This trinity is that called Atma-Buddhi-Manas in Sanskrit,
difficult terms to render in English. Atma is Spirit, Buddhi is
the highest power of intellection, that which discerns and
judges, and Manas is Mind. This threefold collection is the real
man; and beyond doubt the doctrine is the origin of the
theological one of the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The four lower instruments or vehicles are shown in this table:

Real Man is Triune (3) -- :


Lower Vehicles are 4 -- :

* The Passions and Desires,
* Life Principle,
* Astral Body,
* Physical Body.

These four lower material constituents are transitory and subject
to disintegration in themselves as well as to separation from
each other. When the hour arrives for their separation to begin,
the combination can no longer be kept up, the physical body dies,
the atoms of which each of the four is composed begin to separate
from each other, and the whole collection being disjointed is no
longer fit for one as an instrument for the real man.


This is what is called "death" among us mortals, but it is not
death for the real man because he is deathless, persistent,
immortal. He is therefore called the Triad, or indestructible
trinity, while they are known as the Quaternary or mortal four.

This quaternary or lower man is a product of cosmic or physical
laws and substance. It has been evolved during a lapse of ages,
like any other physical thing, from cosmic substance, and is
therefore subject to physical, physiological, and psychical laws
which govern the race of man as a whole.

Hence its period of possible continuance can be calculated just
as the limit of tensile strain among the metals used in bridge
building can be deduced by the engineer. Any one collection in
the form of man made up of these constituents is therefore
limited in duration by the laws of the evolutionary period in
which it exists. Just now, that is generally seventy to one
hundred years, but its possible duration is longer. Thus there
are in history instances where ordinary persons have lived to be
two hundred years of age; and by a knowledge of the occult laws
of nature the possible limit of duration may be extended nearly
to four hundred years.


Brain, Nerves, Blood, Bones, Lymph, Muscles, Organs of
Sensation and Action, and Skin.


Astral Body, Passions and Desires, Life Principle (called
prana or jiva).

It will be seen that the physical part of our nature is thus
extended to a second department which, though invisible to the
physical eye, is nevertheless material and subject to decay.


Because people in general have been in the habit of admitting to
be real only what they can see with the physical eye, they have
at last come to suppose that the unseen is neither real nor
material. But they forgot that even on the earth plane noxious
gases are invisible though real and powerfully material, and that
water may exist in the air held suspended and invisible until
conditions alter and cause its precipitation.

Let us recapitulate before going into details. The Real Man is
the trinity of Atma-Buddhi-Manas, or Spirit and Mind, and he uses
certain agents and instruments to get in touch with nature in
order to know himself.

These instruments and agents are found in the lower Four -- or
the Quaternary -- each principle in which category is of itself
an instrument for the particular experience belonging to its own
field, the body being the lowest, least important, and most
transitory of the whole series.

For when we arrive at the body on the way down from the Higher
Mind, it can be shown that all of its organs are in themselves
senseless and useless when deprived of the man within.

Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smelling do not pertain to the
body but to the second unseen physical man, the real organs for
the exercise of those powers being in the ASTRAL BODY, and those
in the physical body being but the mechanical outer instruments
for making the coordination between nature and the real organs


Correspondence of the 7 Cosmic and 7 Human "principles."

Human aspects or	Cosmic aspects or
Principles	Principles


1.	Universal Spirit (Atma)	The Unmanifested Logos

2.	Spiritual Soul (Buddhi)	Universal (latent) Ideation
(see Fnote p. 597)

3.	Human Soul, Mind (Manas)	Universal (or Cosmic) active


4.	Animal Soul (Kama-Rupa)	Cosmic Chaotic energy

5.	Astral Body (Linga-Sarira)	Astral Ideation, reflecting 
terrestrial things.

6.	Life Essence (Prana)	Life Essence or Energy

7.	Body (Sthula Sarira)	The Earth.

[ from: SD II 596]


Table From: Secret Doctrine I p. 157

Seven-fold Man and His Vehicles in States of Consciousness

Classification in	Vedantic Classification in
"Esoteric Buddhism"	Classification	Taraka Raja Yoga

1 Sthula Sarira	.	. Annamaya Kosa	+ 
[Food made |
[body]	| Sthulopadhi 
|	[ Jagrat 
2	Prana (Life)	.	+	|	[ awake in
| Pranamaya Kosa	|	[ body 
| [Sutratma]	+
3	Vehicle of Prana	|
Linga Sarira or	|				
Astral body	+

4	Kama Rupa	.				

Volitions and	+
Manomaya Kosa	| Sukshmopadhi
Feelings	[Mind Sheath]	| [ Swapna]
|	[ the dream state	
5	Mind |	|	
Vignanam	Vignanamaya Kosa	+	 

6	Spiritual Soul	. Anandamaya Kosa	Karanopadhi
(Buddhi)	[Contemplative,	[ Sushupti
[blissful state]	[
deep sleep 

7	Atma	.	.	. Atma .	. Atma
[ Turiya 
[ From: SD I p. 157]


I hope this helps, but it may take a while to get the necessary
technical terms that are so frequently used in THEOSOPHY 

I also suggest you study The KEY TO THEOSOPHY as it gives these accurately
and in detail. Use only the ORIGINAL 1889 edition.

Best wishes, 


-----Original Message-----
From: Of Cass Silva
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:36 PM

Dear Dallas
I am attempting to study the seven planes of the astral, in other words,
where all the entities "live". Can you please direct a source for me to
search. Your postings have saved me endless hours of seeking in the SD and
Isis, for this I am appreciative.


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