Col Olcott as a goofy?
Apr 20, 2005 07:09 PM
by krishtar
Hello Daniel
Fist of all, I want to express my thankfulness to the friends whom I received suggestions for reconsidering my decision of going out.
Daniel I�ll be brief, for my video card is having problems here and the text is so huge that it fits the entire screen!!!
In the AP Sinnett�s autobio, he describes one episode in Which C. Olcott made extremely out of context and full of indiscrition lecture( without permission or necessity) when he, APS and HPB went to attend visit for the Institute for Psychic Reseaches in London.
Do you know what really he said or comment that seemed to ruin the young movement from then according many opinions at that time?
Was he acting due to grudges by the exquisite manner she always treated him?
I am aware that Blavatsky got white and ashamed at the occasion...
What did cause the break in the relationship between HPB and Olcott later?
Of course I am directing this post to you but anyone can help...
A curious interest has arisen in me on these part of T. history.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel H. Caldwell
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:38 PM
Subject: Theos-World "...I tell you plainly you are unfit to learn, for your mind is too full...."
Master K.H. once wrote to A.O. Hume:
"....I tell you plainly you are unfit to learn,
for your mind is too full and there is not a
corner vacant from whence a previous occupant
would not arise, to struggle with and drive away
the newcomer....I...give you time to reflect and
deduce and first learn well what was already
given you before you seize on something else....
Learn first our laws and educate your perceptions,
dear Brother. Control your involuntary powers
and develop in the right direction your will
and you will become a teacher instead of a
learner. I would not refuse what I have a
right to teach. Only I had to study for fifteen
years before I came to the doctrines of cycles
and had to learn simpler things at first."
Quoted from: The Mahatma Letters, 2nd ed.,
Letter 22:
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