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Re: Theos-World RE: HUMOR and HPB - Does "memory" limit "discovery ?"

Apr 19, 2005 03:53 PM
by samblo

Tesla actually did experiments with the periodoscity of solenoids using 
the body of the soleniod as the active mass to cyclically create timed resonant 
vibration that was tuned to a known value of structures. You can read about 
it in the Belgrade Edition of Nicola Tesla's "Patents, Notes and Lectures." 
Also he did not restrict himself to this particular interest area in terms of 
harmonic resonance his greatest vision was free electrical energy to anyplace in 
the world using standing wave electrostatic resonance, he demonstrated this 
theory by tramsmitting from the East Coast of America to Paris France wirelessly 
this same energy and lighting up a bank of incadesant bulbs in Paris by 
conversion of the transmitted energy of the resonant wave through the use of a 
tuned receiver that transduced the energy back to electricity and then to the 
light bulbs. His original research is the direct parent of modern civilization as 
we have it today, work he did when he was alive is now transliterated into 
Scaler Wave Technology which is the resource upon which rumors about "Earth 
Quake' technologies originate. Google Tom Bearden.


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