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Anand, who is deluded????

Apr 17, 2005 10:30 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Anand, you write apparently as
one who KNOWS:

"Masters have founded only one Theosophical 
Society and it is at Adyar. Masters are still 
with it making it alive with their life,
guiding it with their wisdom. Members should 
not get deluded by other organizations which 
imitated TS."

Yet even as early as 1888, we
find Master Koot Hoomi stating something
quite different:

"...the Society has liberated itself from our
grasp and influence and we have let it go -
we make no unwilling slaves....[The
Theosophical Society] is no longer ... a body over
the face of which broods the Spirit from
beyond the Great Range...."

So Anand who is deluded?????

Some food for thought for those who would like to think
about these issues and who might occasionally
challenge their own beliefs...



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