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Re: Adyar TS is the Masters' Society

Apr 17, 2005 05:51 AM
by Anand Gholap

Hi Perry,
Finally you understood some important points related to the 
Theosophical Society. I hope you won't forget these points. 
Anand Gholap
--- In, "Perry Coles" <perrycoles@y...> 
> Hi Daniel and all,
> As long as there are individuals working within the society who are 
> genuinely seeking truth I would suggest it does have a soul.
> I have not come across an organisation yet that does not have 
> it has to work through.
> To be sure Adyar TS has its fair share of issues.
> Any organisation is only as good as the individuals that make it up.
> The question for me is how can the issues be worked through in a 
> that can lead to more harmony between those who have different and 
> perhaps even opposing points of view within it.
> Theosophical Societies should not be about conformity but rather be 
> providing a place where people of perhaps sometimes differing 
> of view but who are in sympathy with the 3 objects can come 
> in order to explore those objects.
> Maybe the karma of those working within an organisation such as the 
> TS is to try and develop an attitude of `I may not agree with what 
> you say, but I whole heartedly support your right to say it'.
> This ability to disagree with someone and yet not allow it to grow 
> into dislike or a desire to dis-empower that person in some way, is 
> I would suggest the major issue we need to work through in this 
> world.
> Unity in Diversity is the Ideal and is what the theosophical 
> movement is really supposed to be about.
> While faults need to be recognised and examined these need not 
> us to the things that unite us ,
> We perhaps need to be looking at ways of working within the our 
> various lodges, groups or as individuals in a way that is honest 
> upfront and yet at the same time respectful and compassionate to 
> those we may disagree with on certain points.
> We tend to forget about the areas we are in sympathy with, namely 
> Brotherhood.
> Albeit that we are far from perfect in manifesting it as much as we 
> may like to.
> As the Mahatma suggests without the 1st object the 2nd and 3rd 
> become meaningless.
> Perry
> --- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell" 
> <danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:
> > 
> > In 1888 in a communication from Master
> > Koot Hoomi, we find the following concerning
> > the Theosophical Society:
> > 
> > "...the Society has liberated itself from our
> > grasp and influence and we have let it go -
> > we make no unwilling slaves....[The
> > Theosophical Society] is now a souless
> > corpse....Out of the three objects the
> > second alone is attended to, but it is no
> > longer either a brotherhood, nor a body over
> > the face of which broods the Spirit from
> > beyond the Great Range...."
> > Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, Series
> > I, Letter 47.
> > 
> > Daniel


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