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Re: Theos-World Re: Gestation time...

Apr 16, 2005 04:12 PM
by Iain

dear Niki,
Welcome to the group, you will find some very serious people on this site, and there are ones who revel in the absurdities that life throws at us. I hopefully belong to the later catagory,The saying that many a truth is said in jest, and if you have read some of my postings there is a great deal of "mickey taking" or lampooning as you say in the US.. Laughter is the best medicine, unfortunatly for others I've doubled the dosage!! Let your chuckle-muscle be active, Keep you chocolate levels high,
cheers from Sunny Scotland.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Anika Kinnara Durand" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:05 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Gestation time...

Hi Anand-

It seems to be you and me! How fun is that?! I have a very kind heart, and I'm also
fierce like Sekhmet!

If I get what I need here, and can contribute for the benefit of all, believe me, I'll stay

Love and Hot Chocolate,


--- In, "Anand Gholap" <AnandGholap@A...> wrote:
> Just curious, what's the "gestation time" here in the group, where a
new member is
> assimilated and people actually start responding to replies? I've
made several, after
> my intro (one reply so far, btw), and no responses...
> Is there a time period? Do I just keep posting and receiving no
replies and pray to the
> posting Goddess? Be demure and bat my eyelashes, waiting patiently?
> Just curious...
> Niki Durand

I am afraid it won't be too easy and always happy to be here. Slowly
you will learn what it is and how it goes on. But it will take time. If
you are a very nice at heart, then you might either keep quiet or leave
the group as many do. But I would be happy if you remain.
Anand Gholap

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