Re: Black Widow
Apr 15, 2005 01:08 PM
by christinaleestemaker
'H� Anand,
To what do you recommend this? What should I do with grammar?
There are much more interesting things than grammer.That is a waste
of time.
I am a mathematical and not a Language type. I studied the B and not
the A. For every direction they need persons.
What is the problem, you have got your answer: = Spider.
The more gullible is, that you don't know what is a black widow .
You have to do something on your common developement.
So, do we go on with throwing with MUD???
--- In, "Anand Gholap" <AnandGholap@A...>
> Christina,
> Try to explain in your Dutch-English. Actually when person reads
> of AB and CWL his English improves a lot.
> As you have read good books, if you improve a bit your English, it
> be impressive. You may read a book on grammar. Off course you are
> to accept or reject this idea.
> Anand Gholap
> --- In, "christinaleestemaker"
> <christinaleestemaker@y...> wrote:
> >
> > -A Spider!!!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- In, "Anand Gholap"
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > What is black widow ?
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