Re: Theos-World Re:Blavatsky ate flesh of animals regularly
Apr 14, 2005 06:40 AM
by Cass Silva
Thanks for your support, nice to be back on the same side again! And your point is well taken. I have promoted this site to others and now feel quite embarrassed about it. TS wants members providing they dont say anything????
see ya
ps I am sooooo tempted to say something in greek!!!
thalprin <> wrote:
The funny part is to realize that so much information could've flown
right over her head. Bizarre, +it's a good look, perhaps, at the
actual level/understanding (and that makes a tremendous difference) of
some of 'those' wanting/thirsting to promote theosophy itself.
Very interesting in deed.
--- In, "thalprin" wrote:
> Don't worry about if Cass, she was talking 'to' me - she's, maybe,
> just working on being/acting untheosophical.
> --- In, Cass Silva
> > Dear Erica
> > What do you by a bypolar? Is there any substance to my messages?
> Are they relevant? Am I not able to ask serious questions. I do not
> post nearly as many as Anand. Could you please explain to me
> specifically what it is you wish to complain about. Was my question
> about Greece irrelevant, I was supporting your aims to establish a
> in Greece, but could see the difficulty that you may encounter.
> > Regards
> > Cass
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